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March 11, 2009

H.B. 300 Voted Out of House State Government Committee – Next Steps

Each vote today on H.B. 300 was 12-11 -- right down party lines.  Democrat Representatives John Galloway, Jaret Gibbons, and Rick Taylor were not present for the votes. 

To start the day off, Representative Marguerite Quinn (R-Bucks) made a motion to stop the vote on H.B. 300 until changes could be made; Representative Jim Cox (R- Berks) seconded the motion.  The motion failed.

Additionally, Minority Chairman Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre) and Representative Kathy Rapp (R-Warren), especially need to be thanked for their work and efforts and votes so far to try to stop this.  Also, special kudos go out to freshman Representatives Tim Krieger (R-Westmoreland) and Matt Gabler (R-Clearfield). 

Again, there have been no hearings or debate on this bill.  The intention is to ramrod it through.

If concerned, these are the steps you can take: 

1.)    Please take the time to thank each member who voted ‘No’ on H.B. 300 – all the Republicans.  Click here for contact information.

2.)    The AFA of PA has put together a bulletin insert to help educate the people in the pew as to the dangers of this bill.  Please ask your pastor to place this in bulletins on March 15th as the vote in the Appropriations Committee is simply the next step in the fast track to a floor vote possibly as soon as the end of next week!  You will need Adobe Reader to open this document.  If you don’t have this, click here for the free download.






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