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October 28, 2009

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     President Obama Set to Sign Hate Crimes

2.)    Pornography Awareness Week

3.)    George Soros Attacking State Representative Daryl Metcalfe


1.)     President Obama is inviting homosexual activists to attend the signing of the Defense Authorization Act with the hate crimes amendment as part of the final bill.  I wonder if he would invite the Philadelphia 11 who were arrested in 2004 and charged with a hate crime for reading Scripture and singing chorus at a homosexual event in Philadelphia.  Perhaps he could take the opportunity to guarantee them that Christians who believe that engaging in homosexual acts are sinful will not be prosecuted under this new expansion of the hate crimes law.  But, somehow I don’t believe they are on the ‘invited guests’ list.

2.)    This is Pornography Awareness Week.  A week set aside to educate on the dangers of pornography – both to the user, his/her family and potential victims.

3.)    If you live in the Pittsburgh area you may have seen ads running asking that State Representative Daryl Metcalf resign over comments he made about a group of veterans traveling the country pushing for passage of ‘cap and trade.’  This group “Operation Freedom” traveled through PA between October 20th and 22nd.  They sent an e-mail to state legislators asking for their support.  Representative Metcalfe, an Army veteran, does not throw punches.  He replied back, “I believe that any veteran lending their name, to promote the leftist propaganda of global warming and climate change, in an effort to control more of the wealth created in our economy, through cap and tax type policies, all in the name of national security, is a traitor to the oath he or she took defend the Constitution of our great nation!”  His comments did not set well and ‘somehow’ got into the hands of the leftist organization Keystone Progress, which in turn sent out an alert to their supporters demanding Representative Metcalfe’s resignation.  He has done some research of his own and found out that this ‘veterans’ group is funded by George Soros and  

Action Steps

1.)    Contact President Obama and express your concerns about the passage of the hate crimes amendment.  Click here for contact information. 

2.)    Click here for more information on how you can participate in Pornography Awareness Week.  These include facts about the dangers of pornography use as well as a ‘Community Awareness Survey’ to check for the prevalence of pornography in your area. 

3.)    Contact Representative Metcalfe and thank him for taking a bold stand for veterans, the Constitution and democracy.  Click here.   He is under attack because so-called ‘progressive’ groups such as Keystone Progress and Operation Freedom don’t like vocal legislators who oppose their agenda. 


















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