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Action Alert Archives 2008



December 19, 2008

1.)  Modern Day Baal Worship

2.)  Freddie Mac Funds Homosexual Groups

3.)  Pro-Abortion and Homosexual Special Interest Groups Layout Obama’s Agenda


1.)  Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel has written an excellent article today in World Net Daily equating Baal worship with the ‘progressives’ of today who are pushing abortion, homosexuality and hedonism.  Click here to read the article. 

2.)  Why would a government mortgage company provide grants (our tax dollars) to homosexual groups?  Why doesn’t an organization that ministers to ex-gays and their families qualify? 

3.)  In recent weeks there have been meetings of various special interest groups who are laying out what their expectations are of the new administration.  A 55-page pro-abortion plan is outlined on – the website of “The Office of the President- Elect.”  Click here to read that plan (click on “Documents” after the first sentence).   The price tag on this request is $4.6 billion!  In Washington, D.C. homosexual leaders met from December 4-7 to discuss their goals for the incoming administration.  The Office of the President-Elect seems anxious to comply with homosexual activists’ wishes (check out the second section on this webpage).


1.)    Pray for our nation as never before.

2.)    Sign the Susan B. Anthony List petition to stop the Planned Parenthood bailout. 







































December 10, 2008

a.)     “Day Without a Gay”

b.)    Newsweek Article Distorts Scripture – Says ‘Gay Marriage’ Okay

c.)    Obama Considers a Lesbian for Secretary of Labor

d.)   Thank FCC Chairman

e.)    Is a Family Video in Your Neighborhood?

f.)     Liberty Counsel Christmas Resources

1.)     Today is the next scheduled homosexual protest.  “Day Without a Gay ” is a nationwide strike and economic boycott by all homosexuals, transgenders, bisexuals and their ‘allies.’  It is an attempt to prove our nation cannot survive without homosexuals.  This attempt follows the game plan outlined in the book After the Ball which is to show there is a homosexual on every street corner.  However, the homosexual activists are depending upon their ‘allies’ to make this protest successful.

2.)    Newsweek article says Scripture affirms ‘gay marriage’ is okay.  Click here to read AFA national’s Action Alert and take action. 

3.)    Mary Beth Maxwell is president-elect Obama’s likely pick for Secretary of Labor.  Maxwell would be the first ‘out’ federal cabinet position, but is also a protégée of George Soros.   She will push for the passage of ENDA as she did in her former position with “Jobs for Justice.”    Contact Senators Specter and Casey and ask them to vote against Maxwell’s confirmation.  Click here for contact info.   (drop down menu in upper right hand corner)

4.)    Send a “thank you” to Kevin Martin for his service as FCC Chairman. His time will soon be up and he needs to know how much we appreciate a Chairman who thinks the FCC rules on decency should be enforced. Please ask others to send email as well. Send those emails to

5.)    Is there a Family Video in your neighborhood?  If so you need to read this story.   I’ve found this to be the case in all the Family Video stores I’ve checked out.  






























December 5, 2008

Allegheny County Residents Did You Know . . .

. . .  that your County Council is considering the formation of a County Human Relations Commission and an anti-discrimination ordinance which includes the words ‘sexual orientation and gender identity or expression’? 

Click here to read the minutes from the November 25, 2008 County Council meeting.  Make sure you read the summary of the ordinance on page 2.    Especially note the statement from Stephen Glassman, the openly homosexual chairman of the PA Human Relations Commission, found in the last paragraph of the summary.  He believes if Allegheny County passes such an ordinance it will aid in getting a statewide non-discrimination law passed!  Mr. Glassman was one of the main proponents of H.B. 1400 and S.B. 761 which would have added ‘sexual orientation and gender identity or expression’ to the PA Human Relations Act.  Both these bills died in committee on November 30th.  But Mr. Glassman continues the efforts to achieve his goal incrementally by approaching individual municipalities or, in this case, a county with a home rule charter such as Allegheny County.

What would the passage of such an ordinance mean to Allegheny County?  It would mean that all businesses, including churches, religious organizations and schools, must hire homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders.   Additionally, Mr. Glassman has admitted that such ordinances could prevent the Boy Scouts from using government parks and buildings.  (last two paragraphs in the article)

Click here to read the proposed ordinance. 

Look what happened in a Philadelphia Kmart when they added ‘sexual orientation and gender identity or expression’ to their ordinances.  Also remember the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council is being evicted from the headquarters they built on property the 1928 Philadelphia City County said they could use in perpetuity (forever).  Why? Because they ban open homosexual leaders and members!

In Cleveland, Ohio a transgender man is trying to get that city’s laws changed to include ‘gender identity or expression’ because he wants to use the women’s locker room at the city pool!  


1.)    Call your County Council member and ask him or her NOT to support Ordinance 4201-08 which would create a County Human Relations Commission and change the county non-discrimination laws to include "sexual orientation and gender identity or expression."  Time is of the essence, please don’t wait to contact your County Council member as the next meeting will December 16th.  .

From the Allegheny County home page :  “Every Allegheny County resident resides in a Council District and is represented by a Council Member from that district. They are also represented by 2 Council Members elected At Large (countywide).” 

If you don’t know who your County Council member is, click here to find that person listed by municipality.  After you find out what district number you live in, click on the “Council Members” button on the left sidebar of that page.  Here you will find the phone number of your council member. 

Don’t forget to also contact your two Council-at-Large Members  -- John DeFazio (412) 350-6516 and Chuck McCullough (412) 350-6520






















November 25, 2008


Update on Fight Against Traditional Marriage


Protests against the passage of Proposition 8 – the California Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA) -- continue around the country.  November 15th was the national protest against Proposition 8 with Philadelphia, Allentown, Pittsburgh and Erie participating here in Pennsylvania.  There was a pro-same sex marriage rally in Harrisburg on November 23rd


In California:


On Saturday November 22nd 5,000 homosexuals and their ‘allies’ descended upon Sacramento to demand that Proposition 8 be overturned. 


One San Diego, California church purchased billboard space to apologize for the passage of Proposition 8.  Click here.  


Theological differences aside, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) played a key role in the passage of Proposition 8.   Because of their hard work homosexuals have targeted that church with protests and vandalism.  Mormon businesses and private donors have been harassed and picketed.  Recently the AFA of PA signed onto a letter of support/thanks to the President of the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City.  That letter has been posted on a new website and has been opened for others to sign on.  Take a look and consider signing on. 


The anti-marriage protests will continue on December 10th with the “A Day Without A Gay” campaign.  Click here for more information.  


The ultimate goal of these protests is to intimidate and harass those who support traditional marriage.  The protests are also designed to make it appear that there are more homosexuals in the nation than what there are  -- legal papers filed by homosexual groups note that they make up less than 5 % of the population.  In fact, in April the Human Rights Campaign (a large homosexual lobby group) released a study which showed that those who identify as homosexual make up 2.9% of the U.S. population.  Another reason for the protests is to place fear in the residents of the 20 remaining states (Pennsylvania included) that if they pass a Marriage Protection Amendment the supporters of that amendment will also be picketed and harassed.




1.)  Pray that the California Supreme Court will uphold Proposition 8 in which 52% of California voters said marriage should only be defined as between a man and a woman.


2.)  Regularly contact your State Senator and State Representative and ask them to support a marriage protection amendment which defines marriage as between a man and a woman and bans civil unions.  These ‘unions’ are simply marriage by another name and, as in the case of Connecticut, used as a stepping stone to legalized same-sex marriage.  Click here for contact information – key in your zip code in the upper right hand corner. 






















































November 14, 2008


1.)    A ‘Gay’ Protest Coming to an Area Near You!

2.)    Barbara Walters to Interview ‘Pregnant Man’ (who is expecting second child)


1.)    Homosexual activists are planning protests in every state this Saturday at 1:30 p.m. Eastern time.  They don’t like the fact that Marriage Protection Amendments passed in Arizona, Florida and California, but they are especially upset with the passage of Prop 8 in California.  Protests have been taking place in various places across the country since its passage, but there is a concerted effort to have simultaneous protests on Saturday at 1:30 p.m. EST in every state.  The AFA of PA knows of Pennsylvania protests planned in Erie, Pittsburgh, Allentown and Philadelphia.  There’s the possibility of others.  Additionally, one will be held at the State Capitol in Harrisburg on November 21st.  The organizers for the Harrisburg protests include Susquehanna University's GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance), CARE- Community Alliance for Respect and Equality, Elizabethtown's GSA (Gay Straight Alliance), HACC's Alternative Youth Alliance, West Chester's LGBTQA, Bucknell University's FLAG&BT (Friends of Lesbians Gays and Bisexuals and Trans), Penn College's GSA (Gay Straight Alliance), Susquehanna University's WomenSpeak, and Susquehanna University Democrats.


2.)    Click here to read the news release issued earlier today about tonight’s 20/20 program, "What Is a Man, What Is a Woman? Journey of a Pregnant Man" with Barbara Walters’ interview of the ‘Pregnant Man’ from Oregon. If this normalization of the gender confused concerns you, please contact ABC by using the form here.   




1.)  Pray.  Homosexual activists true colors are showing as these protests escalate.  They are simply interested in redefining marriage and family and forcing society to accept their dangerous lifestyle even though the majority of Americans know homosexuality is wrong.  In Palm Springs, CA homosexual activists attacked an elderly woman carrying a Styrofoam cross.  Click here to view the video.    Note the ‘news reporter’s’ closing comment, “There’s a lot of anger, and quite honestly, a lot of hate on both sides.’  I didn’t see any hate on the part of the elderly lady holding the cross!  Pray that America will wake up!


2.)  If Barbara Walter’s attempt to normalize the lifestyle of the gender confused concerns you, please contact ABC by using the form here

































November 5, 2008


Post-Election Thoughts


Well, the voters have spoken.  The economy drove the majority of voters to the Democratic side of the aisle.  But should the economy be the most important issue for Christians?  I believe Jesus addresses that issue squarely when in Matthew 6:33 he said, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”  A nation which centers its attention on economic issues and ignores the daily destruction of over 4,000 babies in the womb, ignores the sanctity of marriage, ignores the damage done to children exposed to pro-homosexual curriculum in schools, sex-saturated television, radio and magazine covers, will have to answer to God.  Those issues are more important to God than the economy – in God’s eyes it is NOT “the economy stupid.” 


Despite loses there were some major gains for traditional values!


q    Marriage Protection Amendments passed in Arizona (two years ago one was defeated), California (Over $38 million was raised to defeat this amendment effort.  Those included donations from PG&E, the huge utility company that services Northern California, and Hollywood actors such as Brad Pitt and Stephen Spielberg who donated $100,000 each) and Florida where they had to get 60% of the vote to amend their Constitution. Sixty-two percent of Florida voters said ‘yes’ on traditional marriage.  Unfortunately, many of these same voters voted for the Presidential candidate who has said one of his first acts as President will be to get rid of the federal Defense of Marriage Act because it is ‘abhorrent.’ 

q    Arkansas passed a ban on adoption by homosexuals.

q    The three open homosexuals running for State House seats in Pennsylvania were all defeated.  Those were Fern Kaufman running against Tim Hennessey for the 26th District in Chester County, Kevin Lee running against Nicholas Micozzie for the 163rd District in Delaware County and Joanne Tosti-Vasey running against Kerry Benninghoff in the 171st District in Centre County.

q    The Democrats did not attain the filibuster-proof 60 seats that they so desperately wanted in the U.S. Senate.

q    Even though pro-marriage heroine Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave was defeated for re-election in Colorado, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann did win in Minnesota to begin her second term.  She was blasted in recent days for questioning the patriotism of some members of Congress.   Note:  Homosexual millionaire Tim Gill and other homosexual groups poured money into Colorado to target Mrs. Musgrave for defeat.  Tim Gill’s money has turned Colorado from a red state to a blue state in just a couple years.


David Barton and Rick Green on Wallbuilders Live have an excellent program addressing the outcome of Tuesday’s election.  Click here to visit the archive section of WallBuilders' Live for the November 5 program.  


Today Peter Marshall’s commentary said in part, “For me, the bottom line is that the Lord God has some time ago entered into judgment with the American people - and now has taken that judgment to a new level with this election. Until we come to repentance - both individually and corporately - I believe that things will continue to get worse. The mature Christian leaders (as opposed to the "whoop it up and just have faith" preachers on TV) have been saying this for years. I can say this with confidence because of what I know about God's plan for this nation, and His hand in our history. He is not through with us, and is now moving to purge us so that we can return to Him. If we respond in repentance, things will eventually change. But, not until.”




1.)  Read II Chronicles 7:14.  This verse holds the key to getting our nation back on track.


2.)  Pray for America.  Pray for the Church that she will get her priorities straight and become the salt and light that we so desperately need in this nation.  Pray for the Shepherds who are to be preaching the truth of God’s Word  . . .  which does include the condemnation of sin and the Gospel message.


























October 14, 2008

A Field Trip First Graders Will Never Forget

On the same steps Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth, Linda Harvey of Mission America and I stood two weeks ago for a news conference opposing the public nudity and street orgies of Folsom Street Fair, this past Friday first graders stood to toss rose pedals at their lesbian teacher as she left the San Francisco City Hall following her ‘wedding.’   

Such field trips are the natural outcome of legalizing same-sex marriage.  Exactly what did those first graders learn?  They learned that it is perfectly natural and okay for two women to ‘marry.’   They learned that it is okay to be a lesbian – to be a homosexual.  They also learned that passage of Prop 8, California’s Marriage Protection Amendment, is wrong and should be fought. 

You can read the story in the San Francisco Chronicle by clicking here.  Please take the time to watch the video also.  Remember the San Francisco Chronicle had a booth at the Folsom Street Fair and the reporter who showed up for our news conference on September 26th took no notes and a story of the Folsom Street protest never made it into print.

Three states have Marriage Protection Amendments on their November 4th ballot – Arizona, California and Florida. 

Would you consider making a contribution to one or all three state campaigns to protect traditional one man one woman marriage?


1.)  Click here for more information and to contribute. 


































Help us spread the word  - - Forward this message to your friends!


AFA of PA Action Alert

October 9, 2008

Join the BOYCOTT Against Hallmark for its ‘Gay Wedding’ Cards







American Family Association of Pennsylvania is joining a nation-wide boycott against America’s largest greeting card company for aligning itself with liberal activists who want to redefine morality and the institution of marriage. Pro-family groups throughout the nation started the boycott against Hallmark Cards, Inc. after the company introduced new greeting cards aimed at “congratulating” homosexuals who enter into so-called “gay marriage” contracts and “civil unions.”

According to an 8/21/08 news story from the Associated Press, Hallmark spokeswoman Sarah Kolell said the company introduced the pro-homosexual cards in an attempt to be “relevant” to as many consumers as possible.

Yet the Bible states in Isaiah 5:20:

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (NKJV)

It is likewise clear that God is the Author of marriage, and His design is expressed very clearly in the New Testament by Jesus Christ, who declared in Mark 10:6-8:

“But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.” (NKJV)






Despite these warnings in Scripture, Hallmark now offers cards that celebrate homosexual “marriage.” The cards use various forms of clear homosexual symbolism, including rainbow-colored hearts and an image of two tuxedos, side-by-side.

This is not the only way that Hallmark endorses homosexual immorality. According to the Associated Press, the company also distributes cards designed to “show support” for homosexuals upon their “coming out,” which is a slang term referring to one’s initial declaration of their homosexual perversion.

Despite claiming they want to appeal to as many people as possible, the decision-makers at Hallmark clearly have no problem offending millions of pro-family Americans who know the Bible declares in Proverbs 14:34:

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” (NKJV)

This is a defining moment in the war over marriage and the family as an enduring institution. Rather than broadening its customer base, Hallmark is choosing sides in the culture war - - against Biblical morality. After all, endorsing homosexuality is an offense to God, and it is an offense to Bible-believing Christians everywhere.

Hallmark says their move was a result of “public demand,” rather than political pressure. But what if a significant portion of its customers demanded Hallmark discontinue their promotion of homosexuality? Would they reverse course?

“More Hallmark customers believe homosexuality is wrong and believe in one man one woman marriage than believe in same-sex marriage.  To claim ‘public demand’ was the reason behind the same-sex commitment cards is a cop-out . . .  Hallmark has chosen not to remain neutral in the culture wars and is willing to turn its back on the majority of its customers,” Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania said.

No matter what kind of reaction Hallmark has to a boycott, Christians are called to take moral stands and to confront immorality in the culture whenever possible.



By signing AFA of Pennsylvania's SECURE petition, your name and contact data will be compiled with many others from all over the United States who are opposed Hallmark’s pro-homosexual cards. The list will be forwarded to Hallmark Chairman Donald J. Hall along with the verses above and an admonition to stop endorsing homosexual immorality.


To sign this petition now, click here:


Thank you for your support. Let’s pray together for Hallmark to do the right thing and pull these cards from their shelves!

American Family Association of Pennsylvania
P.O. Box 1048
Franklin, PA   16323-5048



















September 22, 2008

House State Government Committee Scheduled to Vote on H.B. 1400 Today

Pro-homosexual Chairman Babette Josephs has scheduled a vote for this controversial bill today in her committee.  In fact there are several pro-homosexual members of this committee as evidenced when I testified against it in Erie last October.  Click here to read my testimony. 

Remember this bill would add ‘sexual orientation and gender identity or expression’ to the PA Human Relations Act.  This would force all businesses with four or more employees (including churches, religious schools and all religious organizations) to hire homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders.  Opponents say there is a religious exemption, but apparently they have not read the bill in its entirety.  Additionally, Boy Scouts can be forbidden from using state, county or municipal parks because of their ban on homosexual members and leaders.  Click here to read the bill.   If your State Rep is listed as a sponsor of this bill, please ask him or her to remove their name as sponsor.  

This bill will also force businesses with four or more employees to allow men who think they are women to use the women’s restroom, shower and dressing room facilities in the workplace.  Here are a couple examples of what will happen if this bill, or its companion bill S.B. 761 passes:  a Cleveland, OH city pool locker room; and a Philadelphia K Mart fitting room


1.)  Call your State Representative today, especially if he or she is on the House State Government Committee.  Click here for the list of committee members and contact information.   If you do not know who your State Representative is, on this same page, key in your nine-digit zip code in the upper right hand corner. 

2.)  If you have not signed the petition to have a letter sent to your State Representative and State Senator asking them to oppose this bill.  Please click here for more information. 

























July 30, 2008

1.)    Flight 93 Memorial Controversy Continues

2.)    'Don’t Ask Don’t Tell' Hearing a Sham

1.)  The National Park Service will hold its quarterly Flight 93 Memorial meeting at the Somerset County Courthouse on Saturday, August 2nd beginning at 10:00 a.m.   There will be an update from the National Park Service and a time for public comment.  Tom Burnett, Sr., whose son Tom Burnett, Jr. was killed in the crash of Flight 93, and Alec Rawls, author of Crescent of Betrayal,  will speak at the meeting.  Mr. Burnett opposes the Islamic symbolism in the planned Flight 93 Memorial and has been working with Mr. Rawls to expose it. 

2.)    On July 23rd Elaine Donnelly, President of the Center for Military Readiness,  testified before the House Military Personnel Subcommittee in support of the ban on homosexuals in the military.  She and Sergeant Major Brian Jones were the only two to testify in support of the ban.  The other three opposed it and questions from the committee members were also pro-homosexual.  Click here to read Elaine’s testimony (with footnotes)--  even though she did not get to verbally present it because of questions and disparaging remarks from committee members.   Click here to read Sergeant Major Jones’ testimony.   Read Tommy Sears remarks about the ‘hearing’ on National Review Online.  

During the July 23rd  hearing, Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-Calif.) insisted, “We’ve had gays in the American military from the first unit that was ever formed.” Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) echoed this claim, saying that “gays have served in every conflict, every war” this country has fought.

In fact, Shays was even more specific, noting a patriotic event in his district at which they read the names of “everyone who lost his life in the French and Indian War–some of whom were gay.”

FACT:  Homosexuals have never been permitted to serve in America’s military because of the negative impact on military discipline/moral and unit cohesion.  Wallbuilders has a great historical overview of homosexuals in the military.


1.)  You can sign the online petition opposing the planned Flight 93 Memorial by clicking here.   Much more information is available on the Crescent of Betrayal website.  If you live in the Somerset area, please plan on attending the National Park Service meeting on Saturday at 10:00 a.m. (the meeting should be over by 1:00 p.m.)  at the Somerset County Courthouse, 111 E. Union Street in Somerset.

2.)  Contact your Congressman and ask him or her to support the 1993 law banning homosexuals in the military.  Click here for contact information.   Let them know that homosexuals have never been permitted in America’s military and for the defense of our nation that policy must remain intact.




























July 11, 2008

Who Really Hates?

Last Thursday the national office of the American Family Association called for a boycott of McDonalds because of their support of the homosexual agenda including same-sex marriage.   McDonalds is saying those who support the boycott do so out of hatred.

 "Hatred has no place in our culture," corporate spokesman Bill Whitman told the Washington Post in response to the campaign by the American Family Association
"That includes McDonald's, and we stand by and support our people to live and work in a society free of discrimination and harassment," Whitman said.

As usual they miss the point.  As AFA has said the boycott is not about hiring or firing homosexuals or them eating at McDonalds restaurants.  The boycott is about McDonalds using its corporate money and power to further the homosexual agenda – including same-sex marriage which is one of the goals of their new partner the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. 

So . . . if the supporters of the McDonalds boycott are ‘haters’ then what are the supporters of a boycott against the owner of a California hotel?  Manchester Grand Hyatt owner Doug Manchester donated $125,000 to the effort to get a Marriage Protection Amendment passed in that state in November.  Homosexual activists are asking the public to avoid the Manchester Grand Hyatt because support of the Marriage Protection Amendment amounts ‘to unfair treatment of gays and lesbians.’ 

Then there’s the homosexual who is suing Thomas Nelson Publishing and Zondervan Publishing because he doesn’t like that they print a Bible calling homosexual acts sinful.  He claims the passages have caused him emotional pain and mental instability.  I’m sure he’s not being hateful as he brings this lawsuit! 


1.)  As we see our language being hijacked right before our eyes what are we to do?  Think about the changes to the meaning of these words:  gay, family, tolerance, hatred, marriage, truth, pride, God’s love, etc.  What steps can we take to reclaim the language?

2.)  If you haven’t signed the Boycott McDonald’s petition yet, click here.   Download a petition and take it to church on Sunday to gather signatures.  Return to the address at the bottom of the petition.  Click here to download. 



























June 26, 2008 

1.)    Fairness Doctrine

2.)    First ever Congressional hearing on transgender issues

1.)  In a stunning admission Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – without hesitation –said she wants to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine. This will silence Secular and Christian conservative radio.

Pelosi on 'Hush Rush,' and Filibustering FISA

by John Gizzi

Posted 06/25/2008 ET

…At a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor yesterday, I asked Pelosi if Pence failed to get the required signatures on a discharge petition to get his anti-Fairness Doctrine bill out of committee, would she permit the Pence measure to get a floor vote this year. “No,” the Speaker replied, without hesitation.  She added that “the interest in my caucus is the reverse” and that New York Democratic Rep. “Louise Slaughter has been active behind this [revival of the Fairness Doctrine] for a while now.”… “So I don’t see it [the Pence bill] coming to the floor,” Pelosi said. “Do you personally support revival of the ‘Fairness Doctrine?’ “I asked. “Yes,” the speaker replied, without hesitation.

On October 17, 2007, a motion was filed to discharge the Rules Committee from consideration of H.Res. 694,  which provides for the consideration of H.R. 2905. A discharge petition requires 218 signatures for further action.

Click here to view the names of the Congressmen who have signed onto Discharge Petition No. 110-3. 

Four Pennsylvania Congressmen who supported a one-year moratorium on the Fairness Doctrine have not signed the discharge petition.  These Congressmen are Jason Altmire, Tim Holden, Patrick Murphy and Allyson Y. Schwartz.

Eight Pennsylvania Congressman have signed the discharge resolution:  Joe Pitts, Charles Dent, Bill Shuster, Jim Gerlach, Phil English, Todd Russell Platts, John Peterson and Tim Murphy.

2.)  This morning the Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee (Chairman Robert Andrews, D-N.J.) of House Education and Labor Committee held the first ever hearing on discrimination against transgendered people in the workplace. This is a hearing on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which if it passes will require employers to permit male employees who think they are women to use the women’s restroom and workplace dressing and shower facilities.  It will also give extra protection to homosexuals simply because of the sexual activity in which they engage.   The Pennsylvanians on that committee are Congressmen Jason Altmire, Joe Sestak (he is also on the actual subcommittee where the hearing was held)  and Todd Russell Platts.  


1.)  If your Congressman is one of the four  (Jason Altmire, Tim Holden, Patrick Murphy and Allyson Y. Schwartz) who supported the one-year moratorium on the Fairness Doctrine, but have not signed the discharge resolution, please contact them today and ask that he or she sign onto Discharge Petition No. 110-3.

2.)  If your Congressman has signed the discharge resolution, please contact him to say ‘thanks.’  Click here for contact information for all Pennsylvania Congressmen. 

3.)  Contact your Congressman and ask that he or she oppose the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. 
































































June 11, 2008


1.)    Marriage Protection Amendment Update

2.)    Democratic Party Fully Supports Gay Pride Month

3.)    Human Rights Campaign Endorse Barak Obama for President


1.)    No progress to report on the Marriage Protection Amendment.  There has been much work behind the scenes and many phone calls and e-mails have been generated into Senators’ offices.  Thank you for your continued effort to get S.B. 1250 moved forward.  Time is running out, but let’s give it one more shot!  Today the Los Angeles Times had an article which again outlines the strategy of homosexual activists to redefine marriage in the United States – use the Courts.  Is anyone listening – especially the Senate Leadership in Harrisburg??  Click here to read our news release issued earlier today. 


2.)    On June 3rd Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean issued a proclamation marking June as ‘Gay Pride Month.”   Among other things he is saying the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) and hate crimes legislation needs to be passed.  He also says they need to work harder in stopping discrimination from being written into constitutions (meaning they need to work harder to stop marriage protection amendments from being passed on both the state and federal level).  Click here to read it. 


3.)    On Monday the Human Rights Campaign, the largest homosexual lobby group in the nation, endorsed Barak Obama for President.  Read Senator Obama’s February letter to LGBT supporters.   




1.)  Contact your State Senator and ask him or her to contact Senate Pro-Tempore Joe Scarnati and Senator Dominic Pileggi and ask them to move S.B. 1250 off the table. Also ask your Senator to vote to remove S.B. 1250 off the table and to vote for its passage, as is without weakening amendments.   If you know who your Senator is, click here for contact information.  If you don’t know who your Senator is, click here.  


2.)  Pray for America and the upcoming Presidential Election.





















May 30, 2008

1.)    Disney Gay Day Coming

2.)    Cradle of Liberty Scout Council Sues Philadelphia – what can you do?

1.)  Disney’s Gay Day is planned for June 7th this year. Share this information with anyone planning to go to Disney World that day!

2.)  The City of Philadelphia has given the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council until May 31st to begin paying $200,000 annual rent for the headquarters they built and have maintained since 1929.  To delay their eviction the Scouts have sued the City for discriminatory actions against the Scouts.  Click here for more information. 

The Support Our Scouts Act of 2005 permits the Department of Housing and Urban Development to deny funds to any state or local government that discriminates against or denies Boy Scouts access to facilities they permit other groups to use.  In 2005 Philadelphia received $62 million in HUD funding.

The AFA of PA is contacting Pennsylvania’s nineteen U.S. Congressman and asking them to support the Scouts by asking HUD to deny funds to Philadelphia because of their discriminatory actions against the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council.  Click here for our news release issued earlier for statistics and more information.   


1.)  Please contact your Congressman and ask him or her to use the Support Our Scouts Act of 2005 and request that HUD deny funds to Philadelphia because of their discriminatory actions against the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council. 
Click here for contact information.





















May 22, 2008  

Does Your Child’s School Have a Gay Club?

South Carolina Principal Will Resign Because He is Forced to Allow a GSA

According to the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) there are nearly 140 Gay Straight Alliances or GSAs in Pennsylvania.  Some of these’ gay clubs’ go by different names, but they have the same purpose – to normalize the homosexual lifestyle; convince students that people are born homosexual; gay is okay.  Many times GSAs play an integral role in having the school observe the Day of Silence.

I encourage you to check with your child’s school.  Some PA clubs go by the name ‘Diversity Club,’ ‘Spectrum,’ ‘Prism,’ ‘Freedom Club,’ ‘Safe Space,’ or ‘Ally Safe Schools Network.’  Don’t be fooled by a name!  Don’t assume your child’s school does not have a ‘gay club.’ 

In Irmo, SC the announcement that a high school must allow a Gay Straight Alliance has resulted in the resignation of that school’s principal.  Principal Eddie Walker announced his resignation to the student body over the intercom yesterday.  Why is he resigning?  He says the formation of a GSA conflicts with his “professional and religious
beliefs.”  Due to those same convictions he will not be leaving at the end of this school year, but will see his contract through to the end of the 2009 school year. 

In his letter of resignation, Mr. Walker said, “I feel the formation of a Gay/Straight Alliance Club at Irmo High school implies that students joining the club will have chosen to or will choose to engage in sexual activity with members of the same sex, opposite sex, or members of both sexes.” 

A school in Texas was able to successfully keep a GSA out of their district because of their abstinence only policy. 

By the way, gay-rights group Faith in America said Walker's decision is based on prejudice that is harmful to students and likened his decision to policies that once allowed segregation to flourish.

"We truly believe it is unfortunate that this principal cannot see the immense harm that is caused when a social climate of rejection, condemnation and violence is justified with misguided religious belief," said Brent Childers, executive director of the group.



1.)  Call your child’s school and ask for a list of all the clubs and their descriptions.  Many times these clubs are also listed on the school’s website. 

2.)  Contact Principal Eddie Walker (This story is being reported around the nation in homosexual newspapers.   How many phone calls is Mr. Walker receiving that compare him to a bigot and racist?)  The principal's e-mail is and the phone number is (803) 476-3000, if you'd like to contact him with encouragement and thanks.



































May 5, 2008

Marriage Protection Amendment Update

S.B. 1250 – the Marriage Protection Amendment – was voted out of the Senate Appropriations Committee early this afternoon by a vote of 18-8.

Here’s the way the Senators voted:

‘Yes’                                                                            ‘No’

Gibson Armstrong                                            Patrick Browne (R )

Lisa Boscola (D)                                              Vincent Fumo (D)

Jake Corman                                                    Gerald LaValle (D)

Stewart Greenleaf                                             Sean Logan  (D)

John Gordner                                                   Robert Mellow (D) 

Roger Madigan                                                 Michael Stack (D)

Raphael Musto (D)                                           Christine Tartaglione (D)

Dominic Pileggi                                                 Patricia Vance  (R )

John Pippy      

John Rafferty, Jr.

Bob Regola

James Rhoades

Joseph Scarnati           

Barry Stout (D)

Robert Tomlinson

Michael Waugh

Mary Jo White

John Wozniak (D)

The vote before the full Senate is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon! 


1.)  If your Senator is listed above as a ‘yes’ vote, please contact him and her to say ‘thank you’ and ask for a ‘yes’ vote – as is no changes -- on the Senate floor tomorrow.   If your Senator voted against it, please contact him or her to express disappointment.

2.)  If your Senator is not listed above as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, he or she will get a chance to vote on the bill tomorrow.  Please contact your Senator and ask for a ‘yes’ vote on S.B. 1250 – the Marriage Protection Amendment – as is no changes. 










































April 30, 2008


Governor Rendell, Congressmen Patrick Murphy and Joe Sestak Honored at Homosexual Event


In Philadelphia this week Equality Forum is holding it’s week-long pro-homosexual event.  Three Pennsylvania politicians will be honored during this coming weekend – Governor Rendell is listed as the honorary dinner chair of the International Equality Dinner.  Additionally, Congressman Patrick Murphy (D-PA-8) and Congressman Joe Sestak (D-PA-7) are honored guests at a May 3rd reception for Pennsylvania GLBT political activists. 


For more information click here for the news release issued earlier today.  


By the way since 2003 we, as taxpayers, have given Equality Forum $275,000 to put on their annual event.  This was all through Department of Community and Economic Development  grants!  A drop in the bucket in comparison to the overall state budget, but where does cutting the budget begin?  To review the 955 page budget, click here




1.)  If you do not believe your tax dollars should be used to promote the homosexual lifestyle, please contact Governor Rendell and ask him to cut the Department of Community and Economic Development budget. 


Governor Edward G. Rendell's Office
225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120

Phone: (717) 787-2500
Fax: (717) 772-8284

Or e-mail using the form at


2.)  Is Congressman Patrick Murphy or Congressman Joe Sestak your Congressman?  If so, why not consider contacting him and express your concern about his presence at a dinner for activists with the goals of redefining marriage, family and society.  If you don't know who your Congressman is, go to the U.S. House of Representative website by clicking here and keying in your nine-digit zip code in the upper left hand corner


Click here for Congressman Murphy contact info. 


Click here for Congressman Sestak contact info.  






























April 9, 2008


1.)    Pray for Thursday’s hearing on S.B. 1250.

2.)    Three petitions to consider signing.


1.)    There will be a joint hearing with the Senate Judiciary and Senate Appropriations committees tomorrow beginning at 2:00 in the Gold Room of the Allegheny County Courthouse in Pittsburgh.  This will be the second hearing on S.B. 1250 – the Marriage Protection Amendment.  Please pray for those testifying in defense of one man one woman marriage and for the committee members as they listen to the testimony.

2.)    Three petitions have recently come to my attention, please consider signing them.

A.)    A petition created by the American Civil Rights Union (that’s not the

        ACLU!) to save the Philly Scouts.  Remember the City of

        Philadelphia is trying to evict the Scouts by May 31st from the

         headquarters they built and have maintained since 1929 on

         property the 1928 City Council said they could use in perpetuity

        (forever.)  In January the AFA of PA delivered 1,200 signatures to

         Mayor Michael Nutter – we have yet to hear anything from him.  A

         new coalition has formed to Save the Philly Scouts.  Click here to

         sign the petition. 


B.)     This year’s Sports Illustrated is even more sexually explicit than in

       past years. A seven-year-old North Carolina girl saw what Wal-mart

       executives cannot see when she exclaimed that the model on the

       front cover did not have a bathing suit top on. Apparently these

       corporate executives are blinded to what they are exposing children

       to.  My program  this week was an interview with her mom, Angie

       Smethers.  Angie has put together a petition to send Wal-mart a

       message Click here to sign her petition. 


C.)    Several months ago I sent an alert about the Islamic symbolism in the

proposed Flight 93 Memorial.  A petition has been drawn up asking Congress to investigate the design.  Click  here for further explanation and the opportunity to either sign the “Electronic Petition” or download a “Paper Petition” to circulate.  Paper petitions need to be returned to Bill Steiner by the end of April, if you want them included in those delivered during the Memorial Project public meeting in Somerset on May 3rd.    The next public meeting after that is in August which gives everyone a larger window of opportunity to circulate the petition.




1.)  Pray for tomorrow’s public hearing in Pittsburgh


2.)  Please consider signing one or all three of the petitions described above.






















March 18, 2008

1.)    S.B. 1250 – Marriage Protection Amendment Update –

2.)    Oklahoma Representative Sally Kern Receives Death Threats

1.)    Just got word that the Pennsylvania Marriage Amendment – SB 1250  – passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee this afternoon.   The vote was 10-4  with Senators Patrick Browne (R-Lehigh), Jay Costa (D-Allegheny), Jane Earll (R-Erie), and Wayne Fontana (D-Allegheny) voting against it. 

2.)    Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern continues being blasted for her comments of almost two weeks ago.  Remember she made the comments about the homosexual agenda, the dangers to those involved in the lifestyle and the dangers to America’s children and society as a whole, if we embrace homosexuality.  According to Mrs. Kern, the comments posted on YouTube by the pro-homosexual Victory Fund takes her words out of context.  (Note:  This video has been removed from YouTube, but is currently posted on Victory Fund’s website.) Mrs. Kern says she was specifically talking about wealthy homosexual activists who use their money and political position to further their agenda.  She has received 17,000 e-mails – most condemning her comments and some containing death threats.  A body guard has been hired to protect her.  Because the City of Pittsburgh was included in her comments, last Friday Pittsburgh City Council President Doug Shields sent Mrs. Kern a letter demanding an apology and her resignation.   Which is more hate-filled, Mrs. Kerns comments or Mr. Shields’ letter?  Her words are worse than former Governor Eliot Spitzer’s affair??


1.)  If your Senator is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and voted to support S.B. 1250, please contact him or her and say ‘thanks for supporting traditional marriage.’  If your Senator did not support the amendment, please contact him or her and ask why.   If your Senator is not a member of the committee, please contact Judiciary Committee Chairman Stewart Greenleaf at (717) 787-6599 or e-mail and Senate Pro-Tempore Joseph Scarnati at (717) 787-7084 or e-mail and thank them for their leadership during today’s Committee vote. 

2.)  Please contact Representative Kern and thank her for her courageous stand. Contact her at  or call at (405) 557-7348.
























March 11, 2008

1.)  Homeschooling Declared Illegal in California – how you can help CA parents?

2.)  Oklahoma Legislator Mentions Pittsburgh in Comments About Homosexual Agenda

1.)  Last week the 2nd Appellate Court in Los Angeles deemed it illegal to homeschool your child unless you are a certified teacher.  Currently that decision  involves the three counties that court has jurisdiction over, but what might the future hold for California families.  The Home School Legal Defense Association has created a petition.  Anyone can sign this petition. 

2.)  Last week an Oklahoma state legislator made the mistake of saying something negative about homosexuals.  She has been inundated with calls for an apology and has received death threats.  Just what did she say?  Her comments included: "the homosexual agenda is just destroying this nation,” mentioned the efforts by homosexual activists to infiltrate the schools and said the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle was destroying our young people.  She even noted the efforts of homosexual activists to be elected to city councils and then leading those government bodies to accept the lifestyle – Pittsburgh was mentioned in Representative Kern’s statements.  Click here for information on the real homosexual agenda.  Click here to watch the YouTube video with Representative Kern's comments.


1.)  Click here to sign the HSLDA petition supporting California parents’ right to homeschool their children.  Anyone can sign this petition. 

2.)  Representative Kern has heard mostly from those who condemn her words.  Please consider contacting her and thanking her for her bold statements.  Contact her at  or





































February 29, 2008


1.)    Sheetz and their Offensive Billboard

2.)    State College Mayor to Perform Same-sex Marriage

1.)Have you noticed Sheetz has another offensive billboard along Pennsylvania’s roadways?  Remember their meatball sandwich billboard from three years ago? Click here to view the language on their “Crispy . . . .  Chicken”  billboard.   Altoona-based Sheetz recently removed one billboard in Hazle Township, near Hazleton, after local officials fielded complaints.

Sheetz’ spokesmen have said they didn’t intend to offend anybody, but sometimes they have to revert to some really ‘attention-getting’ language on their billboards. 


This is yet another example of Sheetz willingness to cross the line.  Remember that in the majority of their Pennsylvania stores they sell Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler – all in the name of ‘providing customers with what they want!’  Unfortunately, they never listen to the customers who don’t want this material available at their local convenience store.


Perhaps it’s once again time to renew our talk of picketing and possibly boycotting Sheetz!


2.)  On March 29th State College Mayor Bill Welch will perform the same-sex marriage ceremony for six homosexual couples.  This will take place on Penn State’s main campus in the HUB Robeson Center.   


This will coincide with the start of Penn State’s Pride Week.   It is reported that the ceremony will cost several thousand dollars – guess who gets to pay for part of that – you guessed it – WE DO!  The College of Health and Human Development, the Center for Ethics and Religious Affairs and the LGBTA Student Resource Center are among the listed on-campus contributors and they get part of their funding from tax payer dollars.  The mayor’s actions follow Philadelphia Mayor John Street presiding over a same-sex commitment ceremony last November.  The actions by these public officials highlight the need for a Pennsylvania Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA).  As homosexual activists recognize, each time an elected official presides over a same-sex ceremony it tends to desensitize the public and promotes the normalization of same-sex marriage.




1.)  As evidenced by Hazle Township supervisors’ reaction, people’s complaints can make a difference.   Two actions:  (1) If you’ve seen this billboard in your area, complain to the local city, borough or township officials where the billboard is located; (2) Contact Sheetz via e-mail by clicking here and by phone at 800.487.5444.


2.)  Mayor Welch’s actions do not just pertain to State College, but it has ramifications across Pennsylvania. 


a.) If you are concerned about the actions of Mayor Welch, click here for contact information. 


b.)  Additionally, contact your State Senator and State Representative (If you don’t know who your State Senator or State Representative is, enter your county or nine-digit zip code in the upper right hand corner on either the Senate or House page.)  Tell him or her that you don’t want your hard-earned tax dollars used to promote same-sex marriage.   As negotiations for the new state budget are taking place, they need to consider the actions of Penn State as they look at that line item.


c.)  Also, when your have your State Rep or State Senator on the line tell them that what is going on in State College is exactly why they need to support S.B. 1250 – the Marriage Protection Amendment.























February 22, 2008

1.)    Elementary Principal Attacked for Being Scout Leader

2.)    Adding ‘sexual orientation  and gender identity or expression’ to PA Human Relations Act – a bad idea

3.)    The Marriage Protection Amendment Needs Your Help

1.)  Earlier this month the Philadelphia Gay News ran a story attacking Mr. Robert Wheeler for participating in the PBS program “Tempo.”  Mr. Wheeler is the principal at Cleveland Elementary School in Allentown and it is highly offensive to some homosexuals that he is a Scout leader.  Additionally, he and students who are in his Scout troop wore their uniforms during the interview in the school!   Click here for a news release issued earlier. 

2.) What would be the impact of adding ‘sexual orientation and gender identity or expression’ to the PA Human Relations Act?  Image a world where men who think they are women can use the women’s restroom and, in a workplace situation in a company with four or more employees, can use the women’s dressing room and shower facilities.  Image a world where any church that receives any government money for a day care, soup kitchen, school or whatever must hire homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders.  That will be the world in Pennsylvania if H.B. 1400 or S.B. 761 becomes law. 

3.) The Marriage Protection Amendment --  SB 1250 -- was introduced on February 14th.  Here’s how the process works:   Introduction of a bill is the first step in a multi-year process of getting an amendment to the PA Constitution.  This bill with the exact language must be passed in both the State Senate and State House in two consecutive legislative sessions.  The governor has no veto power over the bills.  The earliest Pennsylvanians can vote to preserve marriage is November 2009.

Thus S.B. 1250 is the first step to simply get the question of marriage before the voters and not allow judges to define marriage as Governor Rendell thinks they should.

Click here for Talking Points and here for additional resources.


1.)  Please contact Mr. Wheeler and thank him for caring enough to be a Scout leader. Click here for contact information.  When you get to this page, you can either make the phone call or click on his name to send him an e-mail.

2.)  Contact your State Senator  and ask him or her to oppose S.B. 761.   Contact your State Representative and ask him or her to oppose H.B. 1400.    

(If you don't know who your elected officials are, key in your county or nine-digit zip code in the upper right hand corner on either of the above linked pages.)

** Ask them what is ‘gender identity or expression?”  Give them the message that homosexuality, bisexuality and thinking you are the opposite sex than what you were born are NOT a civil right. 

While you have them on the line be sure to ask them to support S.B. 1250 – the Marriage Protection Amendment.  

-- MESSAGE to your legislators: "Let the people vote on marriage."

-- Marriage is between one man and one woman any attempt to redefine it will destroy the institution.

-- Children need a mommy and a daddy.











































February 15, 2008


National Homosexual Activist Says HIV is a ‘Gay Disease’


The Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force delivered a speech to the National Conference on Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender Equality in Detroit on February 8th.  During his delivery he admitted HIV is a 'gay disease.'  Do we need special protections extended to those who engage in activity which poses a public health threat? 


Have you contacted your State Representative asking him or her not to support H.B. 1400 and your State Senator asking him or her not to support S.B. 761?  These bills would add 'sexual orientation and gender identity or expression' to the PA Human Relations Act. 


Does your local municipality have or are they considering passage of an ordinance which adds this language?  On December 17th State College Borough added this terminology to its hiring ordinance -- requiring all businesses with four or more employees to hire homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders.  Carlisle is currently being pressured to make these changes.


If H.B. 1400 or S.B. 761 is made into law, all of Pennsylvania will be required to accept homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism as a civil right.  There is a very weak religious exemption.  If your church receives any government money such as for help with a soup kitchen, food pantry or school, you would be forced to hire homosexuals, bisexuals and those who are confused about their sexual identity.  Christian schools would not be exempted from the provisions of these bills.


The AFA of PA has already contacted the primary sponsor of S.B. 761 – Senator Patrick Browne -- and H.B. l400 – Representative Dan Frankel.  We’ve also contacted the Chairman of the House State Government Committee, Representative Babette Josephs, who has been traveling the state holding hearings on H.B. 1400.  These hearings were little more than homosexual affirming events.  Today we will also contact the other  members of the House State Government Committee as well as all sponsors of H.B. 1400 and the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee (where S.B. 761 sits) and all the sponsors of S.B. 761.


But we need your help . . . your State Senator and State Representative needs to hear from you!


For more information click here for a news release issued earlier today.  


UPDATE  -- S. 2433 (Global Tax, Global Abortion on Demand and Elimination of Parental Rights) has passed out of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  Click here for a World Net Daily article with more details.    It still must be voted on by the full Senate.




1.) Contact your State Representative and ask him or her not to support H.B. 1400.


2.)  Contact your State Senator and ask him or her not to support S.B. 761.


3.)  The questions they need to be asked are:  “Do we need special protections extended to those who engage in activity which poses a public health threat?” and “Should civil rights protections be extended to any group of people simply because of the sexual activity in which they engage?”  Click here for contact info for your elected officials. If you do not know who they are, you can enter either your county or nine-digit zip code in the upper right hand corner of that webpage





















February 14, 2008

Dangerous Senate Bill Would Impose Global Tax

A nice-sounding bill called the "Global Poverty Act," sponsored by Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Barack Obama, is up for a Senate vote possibly today. This could result in the imposition of a global tax on the United States. The bill, which has the support of many liberal religious groups, makes levels of U.S. foreign aid spending subservient to the dictates of the United Nations.  

Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joe Biden (D-DE) is trying to rush Obama's "Global Poverty Act" (S.2433)  through the committee. The legislation would commit the U.S. to spending 0.7 percent of gross national product on foreign aid, which amounts to a phenomenal 13-year total of $845 billion over and above what the U.S. already spends.  

Jeffrey Sachs, who runs the U.N.'s "Millennium Project," has written that the only way to raise that kind of money is through a global tax, preferably on carbon-emitting fossil fuels. 

The legislation itself requires the President "to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day."

The bill defines the term "Millennium Development Goals" as the goals set out in the United Nations Millennium Declaration, General Assembly Resolution 55/2 (2000). 

In addition to seeking to eradicate poverty, that declaration commits nations to banning "small arms and light weapons" and ratifying a series of treaties, including the International Criminal Court Treaty (where U.S. soldiers could be charged with war crimes), the Kyoto Protocol (global warming treaty), the Convention on Biological Diversity (each nation must develop a biological diversity strategy), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women –CEDAW (affirms that abortion on demand is available), and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (children’s rights trump parental rights – right to children’s freedom of expression and association among others).

The Millennium Declaration also affirms the U.N. as "the indispensable common house of the entire human family, through which we will seek to realize our universal aspirations for peace, cooperation and development." 

The House version (H.R. 1302) was brought up quickly and passed by voice vote on September 25th


1.)  E-mail Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Senator Joe Biden and Ranking Republican Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN)  and ask them not to move this dangerous bill forward for a vote.  This is a direct assault on U.S. sovereignty. 

2.)  Senator Bob Casey, Jr. is on this Committee, please contact him also.  Click here for contact information. 


























February 1, 2008

This is somewhat lengthy and involves several issues, but I hope you will take time this weekend to look through them and act on the ones you feel led to get involved in  --

1.)    Support FCC Chairman Kevin Martin

2.)    Support Exxon Mobil’s Right to Say ‘No’

3.)    House Resolution Affirming America’s Christian Heritage

4.)    Day of Purity

5.)    Warning About Article VI video

1.)   It has been announced that Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Kevin Martin is currently being investigated for management of the agency and in some cases his policy goals.  He is being "investigated" based on unspecified complaints by House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Dingell (D-MI). 


-- On January 25th the FCC proposed a $1.43 million indecency fine -- the second-largest proposed indecency fine against a television broadcaster ever.  The culprits were Central and Mountain Time Zone ABC television stations.  The problem was a 2003 episode of "NYPD Blue” which included airing a woman’s naked buttocks during the 9:00 p.m. hour.

-- The FCC fined CBS for broadcasting the indecent exposure of Janet Jackson during the 2004 Super Bowl – remember the ‘garment malfunction.’ CBS is challenging the penalty and the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals is expected to render a decision at any time.   

Since Kevin Martin has been the FCC chairman, strides have been made in making the FCC relevant in its mission to monitor the nation’s airwaves.  Additionally, Mr. Martin supports cable choice – allowing cable subscribers an ala carte option to choose the programming they want rather than have to subscribe to a basic package which may contain objectionable channels. Cable companies strongly oppose this effort.

Now Mr. Martin needs our help.  (See ‘Action Needed’ section.)

2.)  On January 29th the New York Comptroller, William C. Thompson, Jr., announced at a press conference at the LGBT Community Center in Lower Manhattan that he and the city’s pension funds had called upon two dozen Fortune 1000 companies to adopt non-discrimination policies that include sexual orientation and gender identity. 

The city’s five pension funds, which Thompson oversees, have more than $110 billion in holdings. Erie Indemnity, the Brink’s Company, AK Steel and Synovus Financial Corporations are among the half a dozen companies that have already agreed to adopt the changes in this latest in a series of proposals sent to companies in which the funds have holdings. (Note:  How does this affect Pennsylvanians?  Do you have Erie Insurance?  Erie Indemnity is the parent company of Erie Insurance!)
Fifty companies have amended their policies to include sexual orientation and/or gender identity but Thompson specifically singled out Exxon Mobil for its repeated failure to respond to these ‘requests.’  Exxon Mobil has withstood eight attempts to force them to add this language to their policies.  Thompson said they will continue pressuring Exxon.  (see below for action item)

3.) A resolution, H.Res. 888, resolves to "affirm" the religious traditions that most historians say played a crucial role in America's founding.  Rep. Randy Forbes (R-Va.) introduced the resolution, which has 44 co-sponsors.  Congressman Joe Pitts is the only Pennsylvania Congressman listed as a co-sponsor.
Some atheists are complaining and see its provisions as violating the First Amendment of the Constitution and amounting to religious nationalism.  They are especially offended by the five pages of historical documentation that is included!

4.)  Day of Purity is on February 14th each year.  This is a day when youth can make a public demonstration of their commitment to remain sexually pure, in mind and actions. Today's culture encourages youth to become sexually active at a young age and to experiment with sexual preferences. The Day of Purity offers those who strive for sexual purity an opportunity to stand together in opposition to a culture of moral decline.

Do you know of students in a school or college who would like to participate?  Would your church like to promote this effort?

5.)  Article VI is a video being promoted as an authoritative interpretation of Article VI of the Constitution.  This Article says in part, “ . . .  but no religious test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”  This video is implying that Christians do not have a Constitutional right to take a candidate’s religion into consideration when voting.  This is false.  The first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, John Jay, said “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty -- as well as the privilege and interest -- of our Christian nation, to select and prefer Christians for their rulers."   Wallbuilders has additional information on this, click here. 


1.)  Send an e-mail to FCC Chairman Martin thanking him for his efforts to clean up the network airwaves.   Pennsylvania members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee are Congressman Mike Doyle (D-14th), Congressman Joe Pitts (R-16th ) and Congressman Tim Murphy (R-18th).  Why not give them a call and ask them to support FCC Chairman Kevin Martin.

2.)  Thank Exxon Chairman and CEO Rex Tillerson  for their continued stand against the efforts to force them to add ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’ to their policies.  Exxon should have the right to say ‘No’ to this coercion. Click here for contact form. 

3.)  Contact your Congressman and ask him or her to co-sponsor House Resolution 888.  Click here for contact information. 

4.)  Click here for more information on the Day of Purity and organizing ideas. 

5.)  David Barton of Wallbuilders was on Diane Gramley’s radio program “American Family Focus on PA Issues” on January 23rd.  One of our topics of discussion was Article VI.  Click here and select that program to listen.




























January 17, 2008

1.)    Is This Coming to a Middle School Near You?

2.)    Pennsylvania Marriage Protection Amendment

3.)    Primary Election 2008

1.)  The Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) has declared January 21 through 25 as “No Name Calling Week”  -- one of those ‘nice sounding’ events supposedly targeting students in grades 5 – 8.  Homosexuals are bringing their message of ‘tolerance’ to middle schools through this anti-bullying program.   In most cases these ‘tolerance’ messages are actually ones of intolerance towards those who disapprove of their insistence that homosexuality is simply a ‘safe, alternative’ lifestyle and children should be encouraged to experiment with their sexuality to determine where they best ‘fit.’  After all, ‘gender is fluid’ according to these individuals.  The buzz word has moved beyond ‘homophobia’ to include ‘heterosexism’ – thinking that everyone is heterosexual and gearing your world, schools and curriculum around that ‘assumption.’  Homosexuals view this assumption as discriminatory.

The AFA of PA believes all children should be provided a safe learning environment free from harassment and bullying.  Children should also be warned of the dangers of engaging in homosexual acts – not encouraged to experiment with it or told that ‘It’s okay to be gay.”  Schools already have policies in place to address bullying. They just need to enforce those existing policies and not give into homosexual organizations like GLSEN.

GLSEN and its allies have produced resources/lesson plans, etc. for use during No Name Calling Week activities.  This includes a list of suggested books  -- books geared towards kids Pre-K through 8th grade!  Included in the list are books with profanity (Judy Blume’s Blubber), different type families (Todd Parr’s It’s Okay to be Different and Name Calling by Itah Sadu) and homosexual youth (James Howe’s Misfits).

A quick look at GLSEN’s recommended book list on their website reveals a lot about their agenda.  Some of these books explain in graphic detail teenage boys homosexual encounters with older men.

What’s your child’s elementary or middle school doing next week?

2.)    Have you called your State Representative and State Senator asking them to support a PA Marriage Protection Amendment?  It is extremely important that you do so as soon as possible.  Is it important that marriage be defined in Pennsylvania’s Constitution as between one man and one woman?  Your involvement in this issue is extremely important!

3.)    Pennsylvania’s primary election is April 22nd.  Are you registered to vote?  The last day to register is March 24th.  An important fact mentioned by David Barton during my interview with him:  over 90% of homosexual men and lesbians voted in 2006, while 30 million Christians stayed home!  Is there any wonder why the homosexual agenda is being pushed so heavily in Washington, D.C. – hate crimes legislation, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, revoking Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (allowing open homosexuals to serve in the military), etc.?   They actually have 10 homosexual-affirming bills they want Congress to pass during this session!


1.)  Call your local elementary or middle school and ask if they plan on participating in No Name Calling Week next week. 

2.) Call your State Representative and State Senator and ask him or her to support a Marriage Protection Amendment.  Also, ask them to consider signing on as a co-sponsor if a sponsorship letter crosses their desk.  Click here for contact information.  Key in your county or zip code in the upper right hand corner.

3.)  Are you registered to vote?  If not click here, then click on “Voter Registration” in the left sidebar.    Did you know that your church can legally hold a non-partisan voter registration drive?  As in years past, the AFA of PA will have voter registration packets available for a suggested donation of $5.00.  This will be mailed to you and will include five blank voter registration forms, instructions, important election dates to remember, the master for a "Need for Christians to be Involved" bulletin insert, the master for a non-partisan presidential voter guide and information on what you and your church can legally do during the 'election season.'  These will be available soon, so let us know if you are interested.















Copyright 2002-2008 American Family Association of PA