News from Around PA

1.) Penn’s Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania believes states with larger populations should have more Senators.

2.) Congressman Tom Marino has resigned

3.) Effort to ban porn on campuses has expanded to University of Pennsylvania

4.) US District Judge Wendy Beetlestone has issued a nationwide hold on Trump administration rule re contraception

5.) Abortion providers sue to overturn Pennsylvania law banning PA Medicaid program from covering abortion except in the case of rape, incest and life of the mother.

News From National Scene

1.) Marist poll shows 75% of respondents want some form of abortion restrictions.

2.) Atheists organizations again threaten schools, parks and recreation departments which may consider going to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum.

3.) California Department of Education proposes sex ed curriculum which calls religious boundaries on sexual activity as “spiritual abuse.”

4.) Denver bans talk therapy for children with unwanted same-sex attraction.

5.) Federal judge ruled a citizenship question on the US Census would be illegal.

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