Category: Life Issues

Action Alert – Governor Shapiro and Attorney General Henry Not Doing Their Jobs

Advocates for abortion like Planned Parenthood are placing their hopes in the Commonwealth Court revisiting the Allegheny Reproductive Health Center v. Pennsylvania Department of Human Services case. Governor Josh Shapiro has just declared that he will not fulfill his constitutional duty to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed” and instead is urging the court to overturn the ban on using Medicaid money for abortions.

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Action Alert – Stop the Misnamed Equality Act

The so-called Equality Act has nothing to do with equality! Its sole purpose is to control the lives of all who do not bow to the LGBTQ agenda. If a person doesn’t conform to the agenda, they will be targeted by the government. If you think Jack Phillips and Baronelle Stutzman’s cases were outrageous; if you think attacks on the Little Sisters of the Poor were outrageous; they were only a taste of what will happen across the nation if the Equality Act becomes law.

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Action Alert – Taxpayer Dollars for Killing Babies, But Not Saving Babies

Governor Josh Shapiro announces the defunding of an organization that helps women in crisis by providing them and their children with free diapers, strollers, temporary shelter and other support. 350,000 women have been helped since Democrat Governor Bob Casey established Real Alternatives, now our current Democrat governor wants to end this support.

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Action Alert – Stop the Taxpayer Funded Fetal Experiments

The University of Pittsburgh wants more money from you and me. Last year they received $151 million taxpayer dollars, yet they continue their fetal tissue experimentation using aborted baby body parts. Most Pennsylvanians do not want their money used for such experiments. The new budget must not include funding to the University of Pittsburgh unless these cease these experiments.

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News Release: Democrats Want to Save Animal Babies, but Not Human Babies

Democrats in the State House have joined Democrats in the State Senate to protect animals from being research subjects in scientific experiments.  While this is a noble cause and animals should not be used in such manner, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide advocacy group, questions their lack of compassion for human babies who are used in scientific experiments.

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