Activism Corner

How Can Churches and Pastors Be Involved?

Legal Dos and Donts  for churches and pastors

Voting Resources: 3 ways to register to vote –

  1. Register in person    Link to all county voter registration offices.     
  2. Download the voter registration form  here   and mail it or hand deliver it. The addresses are on the form.  Make sure you sign it!
  3. Register online  here                 

Absentee Ballot Application 

Write a Letter to the Editor

Fight Trash TV: Sign Up

About the FCC

The Federal Communications Commission or FCC is an independent United States government agency, directly responsible to Congress. The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable. The FCC’s jurisdiction covers the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. possessions.

File a Complaint with the FCC

Join the Fight to Restore Decency in America
New tool to better understand the harm of exposure to pornography.
New website provides the most accurate peer-reviewed research on
the harm from pornography, along with relevant news and opinion
Click here.

Parents Opt Your Child Out of Objectionable Classes
LC Memo – Parental Non consent

State Level Information

Find Your PA Legislator
(by address or county)

Legislative Journals Now Available on the Internet — what did your Pennsylvania legislator say during the floor debate on a certain bill?
Senate Journal
House Journal

Is There a Homosexual Agenda?

Click here to find out.

Homosexual activists target those who speak the truth about the sin of homosexuality.  Check out the truth about the “documentary”
Out in the Silence.

Safe Alternative to the Boy Scouts Trail Life USA

Safe Alternative to the Girl Scouts American Heritage Girls

Resources for those who identify as homosexual, but want a way out, and for their families:

First Stone Ministries

PFOX supports families, advocates for the ex-gay community, and educates the public on sexual orientation.

Restored Hope Network

Youth Resources

Facts About Youth


Resources for those suffering from transgenderism or gender identity disorder (GID).  The politically correct term used by the APA is now “gender dsyphoria.”

Walt Heyer’s website:  Sex Change Regret
Walt: “From male to female and back again.”

How do those with GID impact a family?  Just ask Denise Shick whose dad was a cross dresser when she grew up.  Check out her ministry website

Confronting Drag Queen Story Hours:

Just How Wrong are Drag Queen Story Hours?  Check out our Educational Flyer

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