Category: Listen

Podcast: Day of the Christian Martyr; Guest: Todd Nettleton

According to church tradition, June 29 marks the martyrdom of the Apostle Paul. In 2019 the Bartlesville, Oklahoma-based Voice of the Martyrs set that day as Day of the Christian Martyr – an annual reminder of those who remained strong in the face of persecution and in the end paid the ultimate price.

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Podcast: Our Flawed Election System; Guests: Dr. David Clements and His Wife Erin

As we get closer to the presidential election in November, more and more people are concerned about election integrity and are asking the question, “Will we have a replay of November 2020?” But, of course, too many are still saying that election was the most safe and secure in our nation’s history and the outcome was legit. They are saying there’s no evidence of voter fraud, the stuffing of ballots in drop boxes, voting machine manipulation and stopping the vote count at 10:00 p.m. until the next day was perfectly normal. Oh yes, and you were just seeing things if you thought you saw the vote count for Donald Trump flip to Joe Biden on live television.

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Podcast – How God Intervened in His Life; Guest: Stephen Bennett

In case you didn’t know: June is ‘gay pride month’. June was chosen because of the Stonewall Riots in New York. Is it really celebrating pride, hoping to get “equal rights”, simply finding community or is it a loud cry for help? I’ve attending several gay pride events in the Commonwealth and, in my mind, it is nothing to be proud of.

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Podcast – Are Our Elections Safe and Secure? Guest: Toni Shuppe

Just a few days ago the Third Circuit Court of Appeals handed down a 9-4 decision denying an en banc review of a prior decision that upheld the enforceability of the date requirement on absentee ballots. That means the appeal was requesting all the judges on the Third Circuit review the prior decision. The ruling confirms that absentee ballots missing proper dates will not be counted, marking a substantial victory for those advocating for election integrity and, may I say, the rule of law.

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Podcast – WHO’s Power Grab; Guest: Reggie Littlejohn

Just as a quick reminder from 2020. COVID 19 becomes a global pandemic and we are told extreme measures must be taken to “stop the spread” – stay at home orders, keep six feet apart (remember the circles on the floor), wear a mask, small businesses were closed, workers (including the military) were required to get the COVID shot in order to keep their jobs. These orders originated from the World Health Organization or the WHO. Oh, and in December 2020 it updated its definition of “herd immunity,” redefining the term as something only achievable when the “vast majority of a population are vaccinated.” Now the WHO’s director general wants more power!

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Podcast – The 12 Lies Christians are Told; Guest: Dr. John Diamond

Christian pastors who saw the need for the colonies to free themselves from the British Crown were called the Black Robed Regiment. Some fought in the War for Independence, others provide support in other ways, but they were hated by the British and they had a price on their heads. I’m sure the question was posed then, as it is now: Should the church be involved in politics? Some answered ‘no’ while others answered ‘yes’. That’s what we are going to delve into during today’s interview – should the church, should Christians be involved in the public square in order to stave off the attacks upon this nation’s Christian foundations?

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Podcast – HIPAA Has Nothing to do With Privacy! Guest: Twila Brase

According to the CDC’s website, “The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued the HIPAA Privacy Rule to implement the requirements of HIPAA. The HIPAA Security Rule protects a subset of information covered by the Privacy Rule.” During this program, we’re going to talk about whether we are being told the truth about HIPAA and, also, take a look at the recent settlement that forced the FDA to remove anti-ivermectin posts on their website and social media, but held no one accountable for their actions.

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Podcast: Dangers of Ballot Harvesting – Guest: Kat Stansell

If you haven’t heard, we have another presidential election coming in November. In fact, PA’s primary election is just a couple weeks away on April 23rd. Many voters in not only Pennsylvania, but across the country are still concerned about another year of shenanigans, voter fraud, voting machine malfunctions, not enough ballots and whatever else may come about. I believe our concerns are warranted as not enough has been done to secure the election – especially here in Pennsylvania, but the GOP seems to be warming up to something they view as a game changer, but is it?

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Podcast-NAIA Moves to Protect Women’s Sports; Guest: Steve McConkey

Almost on a daily basis we hear of males who identify as female playing in women’s sports. This is on all levels from high school to collegiate sports. Of course, the University of Pennsylvania is famous for Will “Lia” Thomas displacing females on the women’s swim team in order to obliterate women’s records. The NCAA continues its misguided policies allowing such to continue, but there is one bright spot for women playing college sports if they are attending one of 241 colleges across the country.

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Podcast: Who Do Some Counties Have More Registered Voters Than Is Allowed? Guest: Bill Johnson

The National Voter Registration Act states that voter registration rolls must keep “clean and accurate voter registration records.” Of the 50 states, how many are adhering to that law? On March 15th. The Republican National Committee filed a lawsuit against Neveda’s Secretary of State Cisco Aguliar, a Democrat, claiming that the state has “impossibly high” voter registration. The lawsuit says, “At least three Nevada counties have more registered voters than they have adult citizens who are over the age of 18. That number of voters is impossibly high.” But what about other states?

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Podcast: The Danger of Adding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity to Laws; Guest: Abraham Hamilton III

Homosexual activists have been trying to get actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity added to the PA Human Relations Act for as long as I can remember. During this legislative session they have gotten the closest they ever have with the passage of HB 300 in the State House. It passed by a vote of 102 to 98 on May 2 of last year. Only one Democrat – Frank Burns from Cambria County – voted against it and, unfortunately, two Luzerne County Republicans voted for it. So, just why are LGBTQ activists trying so hard to get this language added to the PA Human Relations Act and just how dangerous is it?

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Podcast: Roe v Wade is Overturned, but the battle continues; Guest: Mark Harrington

January is known as Sanctity of Human Life Month. Since the 1973 Roe v Wade decision by the US Supreme Court over 63 million babies have been killed. With the overturn of Roe v Wade, too many Americans think the fight is over. It is long from being over as evidenced by the many fights that are going on state by state – some wins, some loses for the pro-life movement. But how many fully understand what abortion is.

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