Category: Listen

Podcast: Why Should Christians Vote? Guest: Janet Porter

The most important election in our lifetime will take place on November 5th! Some have said they are sitting this election out because they find the language or antics of both candidates offensive. Let’s face it: Jesus once again is not on the ballot!! However, this year the policies of the two are starkly different. We must ask ourselves if we are better off now than we were three and a half years ago. For those who are considering sitting out the November 5th election, consider this – isn’t voting a way to love your neighbor? Isn’t voting our patriotic duty? Isn’t voting our Christian duty?

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AFA of PA Weekly E-Newsletter

AFA of PA encourages Christians, through education, to become involved in pro-family issues in their community, state and the nation. This is some of what has been going on in the Commonwealth and the nation.

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Podcast: The Truth About Banned Books Week; Guest: Linda Harvey, Mission America

Going to the American Library Association’s website and you are immediately confronted with “Banned Books Week – September 22-28 – it says the ALA documented 4,240 unique book titles targeted for censorship in 2023—a 65% surge over 2022 numbers—as well as 1,247 demands to censor library books, materials, and resources. Pressure groups focused on public libraries in addition to targeting school libraries. The number of titles targeted for censorship at public libraries increased by 92% over the previous year, accounting for about 46% of all book challenges in 2023. There must be a lot of folks out there burning books, but just how do they define “banned books”?

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Podcast: Death With Dignity is a Lie; Guest Alex Schadenberg

The idea of climate change caused by overpopulation is being parroted by the news media almost daily. The legalization of abortion in 1973 with the US Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision cost the lives of over 63 million babies in the US. Thankfully the Court reversed that decision, but abortion continues. The very ideas of overpopulation and the legalization of abortion have cheapened life in the minds of many. We see that evidenced almost daily as we listen to the nightly news. Cheapened lives mean throw away lives and we see that in the so-called “death with dignity” movement. That sounds so compassionate! But do you want your taxpayer dollars used for such a purpose?

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Podcast: The Olympic Opening Ceremony; Guest: Steve McConkey

The summer Olympics in Paris, France started out with controversy!! Eighteen performers worked very hard to mock the 2.4 billion followers of Christ. This from the Western Journal: The controversy came over a drag show that featured French drag “star” Nicky Doll and his fellow men-pretending-to-be-women watching actual women in a fashion show and staring “fiercely at the models strutting,” according to, the website of the gay and lesbian magazine Out. “In a subsequent segment, Nicky and the other queens were shown actually walking the runway as well,” Out reported. Well, they did more than walk the runway!

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Podcast: Fighting the Next American Revolution; Guest: Dr. John Diamond

Just a couple weeks ago we celebrated America’s 248th birthday. July 4th1776 56 men signed a document they knew could place them in a hangman’s noose. They pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. These men had just signed the Declaration of Independence declaring the 13 American colonies in the New World were now free from the British Crown. That news was not well received on the other side of the Atlantic and a lop-sided war with farmers, tradesmen and backwoodsmen fighting the well-trained army of the world’s super power ensued. The rest is history and, with God’s help, we won that war and were free citizens of a new country. But as a 248 year old nation, we have lost the vision and purpose envisioned by the Founding Fathers.

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Podcast: Day of the Christian Martyr; Guest: Todd Nettleton

According to church tradition, June 29 marks the martyrdom of the Apostle Paul. In 2019 the Bartlesville, Oklahoma-based Voice of the Martyrs set that day as Day of the Christian Martyr – an annual reminder of those who remained strong in the face of persecution and in the end paid the ultimate price.

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Podcast: Our Flawed Election System; Guests: Dr. David Clements and His Wife Erin

As we get closer to the presidential election in November, more and more people are concerned about election integrity and are asking the question, “Will we have a replay of November 2020?” But, of course, too many are still saying that election was the most safe and secure in our nation’s history and the outcome was legit. They are saying there’s no evidence of voter fraud, the stuffing of ballots in drop boxes, voting machine manipulation and stopping the vote count at 10:00 p.m. until the next day was perfectly normal. Oh yes, and you were just seeing things if you thought you saw the vote count for Donald Trump flip to Joe Biden on live television.

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Podcast – How God Intervened in His Life; Guest: Stephen Bennett

In case you didn’t know: June is ‘gay pride month’. June was chosen because of the Stonewall Riots in New York. Is it really celebrating pride, hoping to get “equal rights”, simply finding community or is it a loud cry for help? I’ve attending several gay pride events in the Commonwealth and, in my mind, it is nothing to be proud of.

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Podcast – Are Our Elections Safe and Secure? Guest: Toni Shuppe

Just a few days ago the Third Circuit Court of Appeals handed down a 9-4 decision denying an en banc review of a prior decision that upheld the enforceability of the date requirement on absentee ballots. That means the appeal was requesting all the judges on the Third Circuit review the prior decision. The ruling confirms that absentee ballots missing proper dates will not be counted, marking a substantial victory for those advocating for election integrity and, may I say, the rule of law.

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Podcast – WHO’s Power Grab; Guest: Reggie Littlejohn

Just as a quick reminder from 2020. COVID 19 becomes a global pandemic and we are told extreme measures must be taken to “stop the spread” – stay at home orders, keep six feet apart (remember the circles on the floor), wear a mask, small businesses were closed, workers (including the military) were required to get the COVID shot in order to keep their jobs. These orders originated from the World Health Organization or the WHO. Oh, and in December 2020 it updated its definition of “herd immunity,” redefining the term as something only achievable when the “vast majority of a population are vaccinated.” Now the WHO’s director general wants more power!

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Podcast: Inappropriate/Unamerican Materials in Schools; Guest – Sheri Few

We’ve heard a lot about drag queen story hours in local libraries and parks, but we are increasingly hearing about drag queens being invited to public schools. Recently a drag queen was invited to a school prom in Texas causing some students to walk out, parents being outraged and the ultimate firing of the principal. But surely such an invitation would not be extended by a Pennsylvania school district! Well, actually the invitation was extended to a “gender queer witch”!

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