American Family Association of Pennsylvania
News Release
For Immediate Release: March 27, 2019
Contact: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078
Prayer of Freshmen State Rep was Not Divisive or Islamophobic
(Harrisburg) – On Monday freshman State Representative Stephanie Borowicz opened the State House session by voicing the prayer. During her prayer she quoted Scripture, prayed for State House leaders, President Trump and Governor Wolf, reminded listeners of the Founding Fathers’ Christian faith and prayed in Jesus’ name. For this she is accused of being divisive, Islamophobic and acting ‘beneath the dignity of this House.’ The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide religious liberty organization has reached out to Representative Borowicz to thank her for her bold stand and encourage her during these undeserved attacks.
“The attacks against Representative Borowicz remind me of the attacks against 11 Christians in Philadelphia in 2004 as they read Scripture and sang choruses at a gay pride event. At that time a discriminatory hate crimes law was in place in Pennsylvania and these Christians were accused of a hate crime, faced 45 years in prison and $90,000 in fines if convicted. Now we have a state rep who is bold enough to pray in Jesus’ name in the House chambers and she is being called a hater. Representative Borowicz did not attack anyone during her prayer and should not be accused of hate,” remarked Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.
Would these same dissenters also object to the use of Grace United Methodist Church, down the street from the capital, from being used as the temporary quarters of the state legislature as it was after the capital building burned down on February 2, 1897? Will these same dissenters now demand that all Scripture and all other references to God be removed from the current capital building? These references refer to the one true God and those who designed, built and dedicated the new capital building knew it.
The divisive actions took place the following day when State Representative Jason Dawkins, also a Muslim, read from the Quran — a document that calls for the killing of infidels. The Quran is filled with commands to Muslims to commit atrocities, barbaric murders and jihad against non-Muslims. The commands are permanent for all time. Perhaps some PA legislators and members of the administration need to take a refresher course in US history.
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