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AFA of PA Weekly E-Newsletter

AFA of PA encourages Christians, through education, to become involved in pro-family issues in their community, state and the nation. This is some of what has been going on in the Commonwealth and the nation.

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Weekly E-Newsletter

AFA of PA encourages Christians, through education, to become involved in pro-family issues in their community, state and the nation. This is some of what has been going on in the Commonwealth and the nation.

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Podcast: Importance of School Board Races

School board races in PA are usually nothing to get overly excited about. Very few are competitive – usually if you run, you will win. This year will be quite different. We’ve found out in recent years just how important school boards are – from fighting mask mandates, fighting terrible policies from the US Department of Education, to porn in our school libraries. The future of our nation really depends upon the education of America’s future voters.

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