URGENT:  Next meeting is August 16th at 7:00 p.m. held in the Borough Hall, 57 W. Court Street, Doylestown.

Homosexual activists with the help of Councilman Don Berk and Solicitor David Conn, have developed an ordinance extending special protections to homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders, creates a human relations commission and sets up a domestic partner registry for same sex couples allowing homosexual partners to register their relationships with the borough if they can prove they share a residence and other property. Council President Det Ansinn said “It’s not marriage, but it’s a way for people to have their relationships recognized.”  Recognized for what?  At this time agencies and businesses would not be required to offer the same benefits to “life partners” as they offer to married couples, but what about the future?  Why have a ‘life partner’ registry, if the Borough Council doesn’t plan on forcing businesses and the borough government itself to extend marriage like benefits to homosexual couples?  (Planned Parenthood passed a resolution endorsing the ordinance!)

This ordinance will impact housing, employment and public accommodations — meaning the Boy Scouts could be banned from using borough parks and facilities (because they prohibit open homosexual leaders and members), day cares would be forced to hire homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders and men who think they are women would be allowed to use the women’s restroom in a ‘public accomodation’ (i.e. restaurants, department stores, etc.) and locker room at the local pool.

How much will passage of this ordinance cost the Borough financially?  Stephen Glassman, chairman of the PA Human Relations Commission says, “Council could expect to pay $30,000 for a part-time employee and $60,000 for a full-time employee, plus benefits, mileage and office supplies.”  Is this the best way to spend YOUR tax dollars?

Action Steps:

·        Contact Borough Manager John Davis at 215-345-4140 to express your concerns.
·        Contact your Borough council member (contact info below) and ask him or her to vote ‘no’ on this ordinance.
·        Attend the August 16th meeting at 7:00 p.m. held in the Borough Hall, 57 W. Court Street, Doylestown.
Here’s the contact info:

President Det Ansinn (Ward 1) detansinn@gmail.com  215-771-8680

VP Lou White (Ward 1) dellwhite@verizon.net 215.348.2581

Bill Stevens (Ward 2) bill.stevens2@verizon.net

David Laustsen kv91@tradenet.net

Dennis McCauley (Ward 2) dennismccauley@verizon.net or  dennis@mccauley4ward2.com   Cell: 267.337.3368

Don Berk don.berk@comcast.net 215-340-9355

Joan D Doyle jd.doyle@verizon.net 215-262-4242

Noni West west@msn.com

Susan Madian (Ward 3) smadian@gmail.com 215.345.8075.