News Release

For Immediate Release:  June 24, 2010

Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Boy Scouts Win in Philadelphia!

(Philadelphia) – Wednesday federal jurors in Philadelphia handed down a mixed verdict in the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council’s case against the City of Philadelphia.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family organization, has watched the case closely and pointed to this attack on the Boy Scouts as a natural consequence of including the term ‘sexual orientation’ in human relations ordinances.

“The AFA of PA agrees with the Boy Scout policy that prohibits homosexuals from serving as leaders or members.  We also view Wednesday’s verdict as an overall victory for the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council when the jury determined that the city acted unconstitutionally in requesting $200,000 in rent for the Scouts’ headquarters or disavow the national office’s ban on homosexuals,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

The AFA of PA and others have repeatedly warned that the addition of ‘sexual orientation’ to laws will  bring attacks on those who hold traditional values and believe engaging in homosexual acts is sin and should not be promoted by society.

Judge Buckwalter, the presiding judge, has yet to schedule a hearing to determine whether to make the injunction he imposed prohibiting the city from evicting the Scouts permanent.

“Homosexuals have every right to form their own version of the Boy Scouts and only permit those who identify as homosexual to participate.  Instead these activists want to force others to change their views and policies to validate the homosexual lifestyle,” Gramley concluded.

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