News Release
For Immediate Release:  November 7, 2011
Contact:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or1.814.437.5355

American Family Association of Pennsylvania Calls for Removal of Penn State President

(Harrisburg)  — If the accusations of sexual assault against former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky prove true, Penn State faces the largest scandal of its history .   The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) notes that the atmosphere around Penn State has for years laid the groundwork for such accusations and alleged cover-ups.  Penn State president Graham Spanier, who wrote his doctoral dissertation on wife-swapping, led the way.    The AFA of PA calls on the Board of Trustees to do the right thing and dismiss Graham Spanier, which would be a step in the right direction of cleaning up Penn State’s image.

In 1995 the Penn State Board was warned about Spanier by Andrew Loudon, University of Nebraska-Lincoln student body president and student regent, “He very much focuses on affirmative action and a pro-homosexual agenda.  Watch out for his social agenda. . . .”

“Penn State’s reputation has for many years been that of a university gone wild – willing to not only push liberalism, but indecency.  The examples abound yet the legislative body in Harrisburg nor the Board of Trustees of Penn State have been willing to do anything to stop forcing Pennsylvania taxpayers from funding this immorality.  In 2001 State Representative John Lawless tried unsuccessfully to get an amendment passed that would have symbolically reprimanded Penn State by lowering its 2002 appropriations of $340 million by $9,520 – the cost of C-Fest which was held in November 2000.  Legislators did not listen then and have not listened since, but instead have continued funneling money into the cesspool that exists on Penn State’s main campus, ” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA stated.

The Lawless amendment did pass in the State House in April 2001, but was stripped out in the Senate.  How do those legislators in both the House and Senate who voted against the Lawless amendment and every effort since to rein in Penn State respond to the arrest of Jerry Sandusky and the perjury charges against Penn State Athletic Director Tim Curley and Gary Schultz, senior vice president for finance and business at Penn State and whose job includes oversight of the university police.  Schultz acknowledged during the grand jury hearing that he was aware of a 1998 University Police investigation into allegations of sexually inappropriate behavior involving Sandusky and young boys in the football showers, but did not pursue the matter.    The university never rescinded Sandusky’s privileged access to all  buildings, locker rooms and shower facilities  as part of his 1999 retirement agreement.

” In the fall of 2000 a janitor witnessed Sandusky pin a young boy between 10 and 13 against a locker room wall while Sandusky performed oral sex on him.   A March 2002 eyewitness account places Jerry Sandusky in a locker room shower sexually molesting a boy who appears to be about 10 years old.   The next morning the graduate assistant, who witnessed the alleged assault, called Coach Joe Paterno who contacted his superior the following morning.  Sandusky was banned, with the approval of Graham Spanier from ever bringing boys from his non-profit The Second Mile into the locker rooms in the Lasch Building.   No questions were asked by those in charge at Penn State and the alleged assaults were never reported to law enforcement as is required by law.  The buck stops at the top and that is Graham Spanier’s office,” concluded Gramley.

Examples of activities that have taken place on Penn State’s campus since Spanier became president include:

November 18, 2000 — Womyn’s Concerns and the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (FMLA) held C-Fest — “an event featuring performance art, music and a reading  from Inga Muscio, author of the book C_____: A Declaration of Independence.” Jess Dobkin, Lesbian performing artist, in various states of nudity.  One report says it featured nudity, vulgar sexual references, and anti-male rants.

February 2001 — Womyn’s Concerns hosted “Sex Faire” to discuss “issues of Sexual health, consensual activities and liberation.”  Included games such as ‘pin the clitoris on the vulva’ and ‘orgasm bingo.’  A book table featured  “Smut and Other Great Literature.”

October 2001 — Larry Flynt, publisher of Hustler magazine, accepted an invitation to speak

February 2002 —  third annual “Sex Faire” Womyn’s Concerns keynote speakers included  Patrick Califia Rice,  female to male transsexual and author of sadomasochistic  books such as “Macho Sluts” and “Public Sex:  The Culture of Radical Sex” and supporter of NAMBLA ; Sarah Weddington, a lawyer who won Roe v. Wade; Leslie Feinberg speaking on ‘Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Health Liberation;” and Wendy Sanford presenting “Our Bodies, Ourselves:  Body, Image, Self-Care and Sexual Choices for Women.’  Number of workshops from Homosexuality to safe sex erotic.  Information about Planned Parenthood was Available and free condoms were handed out.’   (a three day event)

October 2002 — announcement made “Process to Create LGBT Minor to Begin”

February 6, 2003 — FMLA brings Vagina Monologues to campus

February 15, 2003 —  Womyn’s Concerns and FMLA bring back “Sex Faire” for five hours only (5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.)  four-one-hour workshops — participants Include Planned Parenthood and Choice USA.  Games include orgasm bingo and body painting  for a lesson on consent.

April 8, 2006 —  Mr. and Ms. Gay Penn State ‘Pageant

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