News Release
For Immediate Release:  May 7, 2020
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078

Just Who is Running Pennsylvania and Should We Be Asking Questions

(Harrisburg) —  Pennsylvanians are wondering where Governor Tom Wolf is.  He’s not making himself available to his constituents.  He’s not answering their questions.  He’s having his phone calls forwarded to the PA Department of Health.  He’s preventing reporters from asking him questions directly.  Just who is running the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania – our elected governor or unelected bureaucrats.    Recently the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, has contacted one of those unelected bureaucrats – Dr. ‘Rachel’ Levine –  with a list of concerns/questions.  We have yet to receive any answers.

Those questions included:

  1. Why are there no numbers being reported on the number of Pennsylvanians who have recovered from COVID-19?
  2. Why include “probable deaths,” if no test or autopsy has proven COVID-19 was the cause of death?
  3. Why include “Neither” under “Case Counts and Deaths by Sex to Date”?
  4. Dr. Donald Yealy, UPMC’s chair of emergency medicine, has indicated the very high surge they prepared for hasn’t happened; noting of 5,500 beds in the UPMC hospital system, only 2% are occupied by COVID-19 patients, as are 8% percent of intensive care beds.  UPMC plans to resume elective surgeries, but you said, ”We’re not there yet.”  Why not allow them to begin elective surgeries??
  5. More than half of PA COVID-19 deaths in PA are occurring in nursing homes or personal care facilities.  Why keep the rest of PA in unemployment lines?
  6. On April 8th Governor Wolf signed an order which mandated that private, public and quasi-public health care providers and facilities, as well as manufacturers, distributors and suppliers of PPE, pharmaceuticals and other medical resources located within the commonwealth, submit current inventory quantities of PPE, pharmaceuticals and other medical resources so that supplies could be allocated to where they are needed most.   Is Planned Parenthood included in that order?  Did they have to submit their stockpile information?  Will they be provided medical resources, if they request such?

Governor Wolf has a base salary of $194,850.  According to his office, he donates his paycheck to charity.  Dr. “Rachel” Levine receives a base salary of $155,879.  All taxpayer dollars, yet we can’t contact these taxpayer-funded bureaucrats?

PA coroners have even questioned the PA Health Department’s COVID-19 death count and the department has been forced to remove over 200 from the count.   As far as case counts, the PA Health Department website still states “Total case counts include confirmed and probable cases.”  How can Pennsylvanians trust any of the numbers coming from that department?   

“As PA slowly begins to reopen, there are still many, many questions that remain unanswered.   Over half the deaths in PA are in nursing homes, why continue to keep so many counties shutdown when the hotspots are in nursing homes?  Governor Wolf has just announced the formation of the Commonwealth Coronavirus Corps supposedly to ‘bolster the state’s testing and contact tracing capabilities.’  The Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights addresses the right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects and this new corps has the potential of infringing on our rights.  At this point, everyone  has become very skeptical of what’s being told us and we demand answers,” commented AFA of PA president, Diane Gramley.

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