News From Around PA

1.) Two hundred recently took part in the 10th Annual Philly Trans March. Defunding the police was one of their demands!

2.) Another demand of trans activist was to affirm them by including trans affirmation in all social policies

3.) Pro-homosexual Human Rights Campaign issues Congressional Scorecard: all PA Democrats except Conor Lamb get a 100% score. Lamb got a 94%. All PA GOP receive a zero, except Brian Fitzpatrick, who received a 71%. Senator Casey received a 97% and Senator Toomey a zero.

News From National Scene

1.) Twitter blocks White House health expert Dr. Scott Atlas.

2.) Federal Communications Commission chair announces a move “to clarify the meaning of Section 230” of the 1996 Communications Decency Act. Facebook and Twitter is saying this section gives them the authority to censor.

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