News from Around PA
1.) Philadelphia Free Library will present a series “Black and Queer in Philadelphia.”
2.) The town of Warren’ LGBTQ activists’ Facebook group is a perfect example of how social media is being used to promote the LGBTQAI+ agenda.
3.) The Pennsylvania Human Rights Commission has a new Civil Rights Division and the outreach coordinator identifies as queer and gender queer.
4.) The third annual LGBTQ+ History Prize was held at National History Day in Pennsylvania.
From National Scene
1.) Biden administration’s efforts to interpret the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act in such a way that religious organizations would be forced to pay for employees’ abortions has been blocked.
2.) Democrats are putting forth an effort to repeal the Comstock Act which outlaws the shipping of “every article or thing designed, adapted or intended for producing abortion” via the U.S. mail.
3.) Arizona governor vetoes “Detransitioners’ Bill of Rights”.
4.) Victory West High School in Texas is in the crosshairs of the Freedom From Religion Foundation for making available copies of the Bible to graduating seniors.
5.) The Buffalo Bills has announced it will partner with the National Gay Flag Football League and launch a chapter. It joins 8 other NFL teams.
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