January 7, 2025
Pray for Our Incoming General Assembly
Today members of the General Assembly took their oath of office, According to the PA Constitution, Article VI, Section 3 it is administered “to a member of the Senate or to a member of the House of Representatives in the hall of the House to which he shall have been elected. Any person refusing to take the oath or affirmation shall forfeit his office.”
The PA Constitution lays out the oath: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, obey, and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Commonwealth and that I will discharge the duties of my office with fidelity.”
According to the PA Constitution, the Attorney General does not begin his four year term until the third Tuesday of January. The new rules of the State House were introduced and voted on today. Here’s the link
The rules passed by a vote of 196 to 6. All the Democrats voted for it (remember they are still in the majority) and all Republicans except Stephanie Borowicz (R- 76), Dallas Kephart (R-73), Charity Grimm Krupa (R-71), Milou Mackenzie (R-131), Stephenie Scialabba (R-12) and Parke Wentling (R-7) also voted for the new House rules.
A quick look at the new rules and one thing jumped out to me: The Democrats have cut in half ( from 6 hours to 3 hours) the amount of time a bill must be available for the public to view before “action on concurrence” or “action on final passage” can take place.
Joann McClinton (D-191) was once again voted in as Speaker of the House.
Action Steps:
Let’s pray that each of the State Senators and State Reps who took their oath of office today have actually read the US Constitution and the PA Constitution!