February 24, 2011

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)     Have You Contacted Your Congressman and Senators?

2.)    Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin

3.)    Homosexual Attacks on Illinois Bed and Breakfast Owners

4.)    YouTube Channel


1.)     Have you taken time to contact your Congressman and Senators Casey and Toomey this week?  They are all in Pennsylvania for their February break and need to hear from their constituents about the War on Illegal Pornography!   Click here to listen to my February 23rd interview with Pat Trueman for more information on the dangers of pornography and the steps that can be taken to stop this assault on our society.

2.)    The state of Wisconsin is under siege and currently Governor Scott Walker and the Republicans are trying to carry on the state’s business, but many Democrat legislators have fled to neighboring Illinois rather than try to resolve the state’s budgetary problems.  There is a $137 million deficit in the state’s current budget and a $3.6 billion shortfall in the 2011-13 budget.  Scott Walker ran a campaign promising to cut back on expenses and bring Wisconsin’s budget under control. As he has tried to keep his campaign promises, the unions have sent tens of thousands of protesters from across not only Wisconsin, but the nation, to loudly protests the newly elected governor’s strategies.  The Capitol Building has been transformed into a hippy commune!

3.)    It has been mere weeks since Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed into law a bill legalizing civil unions in that state, but already homosexual activists are targeting Christian Bed and Breakfast owners because they are refusing to permit them to hold their ‘ceremony’ there.  These activists are taking a page from British homosexual activists who have used the same tactics. British culture warriors have long warned America that what they have been facing is coming to America.  What more evidence do we need?  Note Illinois has ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’ language in their Human Relations Act.  This again points out the danger of including that terminology in the PA Human Relations Act as some liberal legislators and homosexual activists are pushing for.  Remember all those local municipalities which have recently passed ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’ human relations ordinances – Lower Merion, Doylestown and Haverford?  Which Christian business will be the first sued in those municipalities?

4.)    Have you checked out the AFA of PA’s YouTube Channel?  At this time we have ten videos up, but hope to get others up soon.

Action Steps

1.)    (a.) Call your Congressman and Senators Casey and Toomey at the district office nearest you as they are in their home districts this week.  Ask them to sign onto the letter to Attorney General Eric Holder asking him to enforce existing obscenity laws.  Republican Congressmen would contact Congressman Randy Forbes (R-VA), Democratic Congressmen would contact Congressman Mike McIntyre (D-NC) and Senators Casey and Toomey would contact Senator Orrin Hatch.  (b.) Print off three copies of this one page hand out and drop off this information at the Congressional and Senatorial district offices nearest you.  If you can’t hand deliver the information sheet, then please slip a personal note in with the info sheet and mail it to the district office nearest you.

2.)    Contact Governor Scott Walker with a word of encouragement.  His e-mail address is

3.)    Christian owners of Timber Creek Bed and Breakfast are literally under assault with mean and nasty e-mails and phone calls from homosexual activists.  Please pray for the Walder family and contact them with a work of encouragement.  Here’s their e-mail address

4.)    Click here for the AFA of PA YouTube page.