November 22, 2011


SB 732 Update


The delay in House action on SB 732  has been to attempt to make some reasonable accommodation of the State Senate’s position on the bill.  House Floor Leader Mike Turzai said the House was attempting to make such an accommodation to avoid delaying SB 732 even further.  Because when passed in the House and sent to the Senate they could amend SB 732 and thereby send it to a conference committee with even more delays than what have been occurring.

The Senate is insisting on language that would grant special treatment to abortion facilities if they requested a waiver from ASF regulations.  The House and the Governor’s office oppose such special treatment language. A future pro-abortion Governor would likely use such language to render the ASF requirements for abortion facilities in PA to be meaningless.

Chief Counsel for the Senate, Donna Malpezzi, Esq., is the one overseeing the Senate negotiations.  She has a history of attempting to dilute pro-life legislation.  She reports to Senator Dominic Pileggi; however there’s no indication he knows of her tactics.  Senator Pileggi is the Senate Majority Leader and the Chairman of the Rules Committee which is where SB 732 will go when passed in the House.

Representative Turzai has said he will run SB 732 in the House even if the Senate negotiator does not change her stance.  Leading pro-life Senators support the House’s position.

Action Steps

1.)  Please contact your State Representative and ask him or her to support SB 732. Click here for contact information.    If you don’t know who your Rep is, you can find out by clicking “address” or “county” in the upper right hand corner of this linked page.

2.) Contact Senator Pileggi and this is the message, “Please support the PA House’s position on SB 732 regarding waiver requests from ASF requirements.  Please oppose any special treatment for abortion facilities”.  The Senate is not back in session until December 5th, so contact his district office in Glen Mills today.  That number is (610) 358-5183 or email at