May 15, 2013


State House and Senate Education Committee Hearings


Yesterday beginning at 9:00 a.m. the House Education Committee held, as they put it, an “Informational briefing on the Common Core Standards from PA Dept. of Education Secretary Ron Tomalis.”   He  will present his version of why Pennsylvania should adopt these standards for every school in the Commonwealth, rather than supporting local control of our children’s education. Coincidentally, Secretary Tomalis submitted his resignation to Governor Corbett this week after receiving hundreds of emails and phone calls critical of his support of Common Core. One must ask why is committee chairman, Paul Clymer, refusing to hold actual hearings?

Today beginning at 1:00 p.m. the Senate Education Committee will hold just such a hearing where individuals for and against Common Core will testify.  The chairman of that committee is Senator Mike Folmer who opposes Common Core, click here for a Guest Opinion that he wrote for his local paper where he voices opposition.

Did you know Bill Gates has given away $150 million in grants to push Common Core?    Recipients of some of that money have been the PA Partnerships for Children and the Pennsylvania Business Council.  Representatives from both of these organizations will be testifying today in support of Common Core — surprise, surprise!

Did you know Matt Przywara, the business manager at the School District of Lancaster said,  “We work as though we’re never out of the woods.”  Przywara expects the district to face deficits of $5 million to $6 million per year over the next few years. Soaring pension and health care costs are the main drivers. SDL also is bracing for federal budget cuts and increased operating costs related to the new Common Core curriculum standards that take effect in 2013-14.

Action Steps

Governor Pence of Indiana recently signed a bill into law delaying the implementation of Common Core in that state.  Pennsylvania needs to do the same thing!

Contact your State Representative, State Senator and Governor Corbett to express your concerns about Common Core.  Click here to go to our ACTION CENTER.