News Release
For Immediate Release:  July 23, 2013
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Montgomery County Ready to Go Against PA Law and Issue Same-Sex “Marriage” Licenses

(Harrisburg) —  The Montgomery County Register of Wills has said he’s willing to disobey the law and issue same-sex “marriage” licenses.    The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) has contacted Mr. Hanes to remind him that Pennsylvania law still defines marriage as only between one man and one woman and specifically asked him if he’d be willing to disobey the law and issue a marriage license to first cousins who were “in love.”   This is also strictly forbidden in Pennsylvania’s law.

“Montgomery County’s Register of Wills is an attorney, thus should know the law, and as an elected row officer he has sworn to uphold the law.   Apparently he is following the lead of Attorney General Kathleen Kane who has said she would not defend Pennsylvania’s Defense of Marriage Act even though the job she was elected to fill includes defending the laws of the Commonwealth,”  commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Mr. Hanes has reportedly said he wants to come down “on the right side of history and the law.”   The only way he can come down on the right side of the law is to obey the law and the thousands of years of history defining marriage as only between the opposite sexes also proves one man one woman marriage is on the right side of history.

“Mr. Hanes needs to reread Pennsylvania’s Defense of Marriage Act which very clearly states marriage is only between one man and one woman.  If he can’t uphold the law and issue marriage licenses only to those who can legally marry in Pennsylvania, he needs to tender his resignation,” Gramley concluded.

Pennsylvania’s DOMA states:  “It is hereby declared to be the strong and longstanding public policy of this commonwealth that marriage shall be between one man and one woman. A marriage between person of the same sex which was entered into in another state or foreign jurisdiction, even if valid where entered into, shall be void in this commonwealth.”

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