News Release
For Immediate Release:  September 21, 2010
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Senators Specter and Casey Still Don’t Get It When it Comes to Homosexuals in the Military and Abortions on Military Bases

(Harrisburg) –  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, noted that today’s failure to get the 60 votes needed for cloture on the Defense Authorization Act should send three clear messages to Senator Harry Reid and other proponents of the offensive amendments that were attached to it.  The messages are Senators, and the American people,

1.)     do not want homosexuals serving openly in the military,

2.)    do not want abortions performed on military bases,

3.)    do not want young illegal immigrants rewarded with citizenship if they attend college or enlist in the military (the DREAM Act).

How serious is the revolt against using our military for social experimentation?   It was the first time in 48 years no Defense Authorization bill passed before Congress leaves town!

“Unfortunately, the 56 to 43 vote included Pennsylvania’s two Senators – Specter and Casey.  These two Senators continue to ignore the voices of their constituents and listen to those of homosexual activists and those pushing abortion.  Casey’s votes promoting homosexuality and abortion repeatedly show how far removed he is from his father’s positions,” remarked Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Consistently small percentages of people discharged due to homosexuality contradict any claim that national security emergency requirements justify repeal of the law.   A Congressional Research Service report issued last October found that discharges due to homosexual conduct, averaged over five years, accounted for only 0.32 percent of all losses.  During the 15 years that almost 13,000 ineligible homosexuals were honorably discharged, three times as many servicewomen (39,454) left the service due to pregnancy. In the same period, the armed forces discharged over four times as many people (55,790) due to weight standard violations, and seven times as many (90,302) for drug abuse.

“Homosexual activists’ insistence that they be permitted to serve openly in the US military is just another step in the effort to normalize their lifestyle.  This effort totally disregards the real life impact on unit cohesion and military readiness such a move would have.  Our fighting men and women should not be used as political pawns, as Casey’s and Specter’s votes would do, to further anyone’s agenda,” Gramley further stated.

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