AFA of PA ACTION ALERTIn God We Trust at Capitol

October 27, 2016


Ask Senator Casey to Remove His Name from This Letter


Senator Bob Casey, Jr. has signed onto a letter circulated by Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal which was delivered on Tuesday to the chairman and ranking members of the US Senate Armed Services Committee and the US House Armed Services Committee.   Its purpose is to force the removal of an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)  which would protect faith-based organizations that contract with the federal government.

Sec. 1094, the Russell Amendment, protects the freedom of religious organizations receiving federal contracts to hire employees who support the core mission of the organization, in accordance with federal employment protections like Title VII.   Failing to maintain those protections for religious organizations forces them out of the federal contracting sphere and hurts those whom they serve, like refugees, veterans and children.

Click here for more information and action steps.