September 2, 2015
Language of HB and SB 300 Reintroduced Under New Name and Numbers
Last week liberals in Harrisburg reintroduced the language of HB and SB 300 with new numbers — HB 1510 and SB 974, respectively, and a new name — the Pennsylvania Fairness Act. Remember these would add sexual orientation and gender identity or expression to the PA Human Relations Act impacting employment, housing and public accommodations. They say, without producing evidence, this is needed so homosexuals will not be fired from their jobs or evicted from their apartments “simply because of who they love.” We can produce documented evidence that these laws have negatively impacted Christian business owners in states with these type laws. These bills are a direct attack upon religious freedom and the First Amendment!
The backers of these bills seek to play on the emotions of Pennsylvanians by creating a false narrative of discrimination against homosexuals. The reports do not back them up!
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