November 8, 2010


Do You Live in Haverford Township (Delaware County)? It is the Next SEPA Target!


Last month the Haverford Township Board of Commissioners was approached by Lou Devecchis, a longtime resident, (who) asked commissioners to consider adopting such a(n) [“anti-discrimination”] ordinance due to harassment he personally experienced, as well as anti-gay bullying stories in the news.”  He goes on to explain that 15-20 years ago people found out he was ‘gay’ and began to spread rumors about him and more recently he was harassed this summer and he called the police.

Apparently Mr. Devecchis wants this ordinance, if passed, to be used as a no-name calling ordinance.  In reality it is a homosexual special rights ordinance that will impact employment, commercial property, housing and public accommodations.  It is also another example of homosexual activists using the tragic suicides of students who identify as ‘gay’ to further their political goals.

This ordinance will contain the words “sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression” and will create a township human relations commission to enforce the ordinance.

Mr. Devecchis approached the Board on October 18th and Friday’s Delco Times had an article stating that Commissioner Larry Holmes introduced a draft of the ordinance last week and a first reading is scheduled for tonight’s 7:30 meeting!

Such discriminatory ordinances have also been used to punish, deny funding to, and restrict the activities of cherished community organizations such as Catholic Charities, the Salvation Army, and the Boy Scouts because they refuse to endorse homosexual activists’ political agenda.

Additional real life examples include allowing men who think they are women to use the women’s restroom in all pubic accommodations and the women’s locker room/shower facilities at the local Y or health club. Businesses, including day cares, would be forced to hire such sexually confused individuals and be forced to allow them to come dressed as the gender they claim to be and use the restroom they are ‘most comfortable’ using.  Christian photographers have been fined for not wanting to photograph a homosexual ‘commitment’ ceremony and a New Jersey church camp ground lost tax exempt status on part of its property because it refused to allow two lesbians to use its gazebo for their ‘commitment’ ceremony.

Action Steps

1.)    Attend tonight’s 7:30 p.m. meeting held in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Quatrani Building at 2325 Darby Road in Havertown and express your concerns.

2.)    Sign our Haverford Township Petition by clicking here.

3.)    Contact President and 9th Ward Commissioner — William F. Wechsler at 610-789-2299   e-mail.

4.)    Contact your Commissioner by clicking here.   If you don’t know who your commissioner is call (610) 446-1000