July 20, 2015
Sneaking Homosexual Special Rights into Budget??
The Senate and House have mostly gone home for the summer, except they are on notice that they will be expected back in Harrisburg if an agreement is reached on the budget. Additionally, word has gotten out that Governor Tom Wolf is pushing to have the language of SB 300 included in budget negotiations!! This would add “sexual orientation and gender identity or expression” to the PA Human Relations Act which deals with employment, housing and public accommodations. The Senate Democrats and their Republican allies have been scheming to get this around the normal legislative process! Anyone who supports the addition of this language to the PA Human Relations Act supports the persecution of Christian business owners who do not want to affirm sin by baking cakes, photographing , providing flowers, etc. for a same-sex “wedding.”
Think Aaron and Melissa Klein and Sweet Cakes by Melissa — the most recent victims of such laws!
Click here for more details and action steps.