April 12, 2022


If This Passes Our Second Amendment Will Be Threatened


SR 152 calls for a “Continuing Resolution calling for a ‘Convention for Proposing Amendments’ under Article V of the United States Constitution”.   What would such a “convention” look like?  No one knows because it has never been done before!  If such a convention is held, do you believe the media would play a role in its outcome? How about George Soros and his big money? Yes, to both those questions?

Would we end up with an entirely new Constitution that makes, for example,  a “woman’s right to choose” or same-sex “marriage” or teaching our kids that ‘gay is okay’ or little Johnny can be little Janie constitutionally protected?  We do know for sure that our Second Amendment would be at risk.  How do we know this?  The Convention of States President Mark Meckler touts Professor Robert P. George as “the foremost conservative constitutional scholar in America” and member of his Legal Advisory Board. But Professor George has co-drafted an ideal “conservative” constitution which grants massive powers to the federal government and imposes gun control with red flag confiscations!   These are very dangerous proposals by a member of Meckler’s Legal Advisory Board.   

In fact, last November Mark Meckler leveled a veiled threat at the organization Firearm Owners Against Crime:  You switch your position opposing a Convention of States or we will not support your effort in passing constitutional carry legislation. 

Why do we need a new Constitution?  Why don’t we just follow the one we already have?   Plus, does a new constitution guarantee it will be followed any more than our present Constitution.  No, and opening our Constitution to a convention without rules is extremely dangerous!

Action Steps

Please make one phone call:  Senate Majority Leader Kim Ward — 717-787-6063 — ask her not to bring SR 152 to a floor vote.

Contact your State Senator here and ask him or her to vote “No” on SR 152 if it is brought to the floor for a vote.

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