March 14, 2018


Parents Know Best Rally in Harrisburg


HB 1349, the Parental Rights Protection Act, was introduced on May 8, 2017.   It remains in the Committee on Children and Youth.

A rally in support of the bill is planned for April 10th from 9:30 a.m. till 10:30 a.m.  It will be held in the main rotunda in the capitol building in Harrisburg.    The purposes of the rally are as follows:

1.)  To educate on the loss of parental rights through court decisions
2.)  Exposing government overreach in dictating to parents what is “best for children”
3.)  The need for parental rights to be reestablished and protected in the law via  HB 1349
4.)   to ask PA legislators to pass a resolution encouraging Congress to pass a parental rights amendment to the US Constitution.

Speakers will include the primary sponsor of HB 1349, Representative Will Tallman, also Representatives Gillen and Metcalfe, congressional candidate Andrew Lewis, Vicki Suarez, State Director of Parental Rights PA, Boyertown school board member Clay Breece and AFA of PA President Diane Gramley.  Dilonna Coran of Social Conservatives of PA will open and close the rally.

Action Steps

1.)  Plan to attend the April 10th rally in the main rotunda in the state capitol from 9:30 till 10:30

2.)   Invite your State Representative to attend.  Here’s  the link to an  invitation you may consider using.  Just add your State Rep’s name, sign it and mail or hand deliver it to his/her district office.