AFA of PA ACTION ALERTMyDoorSign All Gender WC

June 2, 2016


So . . .What is Your School District Going to do This Summer?


School’s out and the summer lies ahead – possibly a summer full of mischief!!  Three weeks ago the Obama Administration issued a directive to each school district in the US saying Title IX has changed and the word “sex” in that law now also includes “gender identity.”  As a reminder, only Congress can change the law and Congress has NOT done so!!  Thus, this directive is illegal!!!

The Departments of Education and Justice are threatening the removal of federal funds from any school district that does not comply.   So, how much are they talking about?  According to the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, during the 2013-2014 school year (the most recent figures available), Pennsylvania school districts received an average of 2.60% of their budget from the federal government.

Be forewarned homosexual/transgender activists will not be content with school districts changing policies and allowing sexually confused boys in the girls’ restroom, locker and shower rooms, playing on their sports teams and rooming with them during overnight stays for away games and vice versa.  They will demand more, even as we are seeing with the effort to get schools to also include policies dealing with students who identify as “gender expansive.”   What is that?  Well, according to the Human Rights Campaign (the nation’s largest homosexual lobby group in the nation) and Gender Spectrum it means even more genders such as two-spirit, non-binary female, agender, neutral, nongender, gender fluid, female but not 100% — they even throw tomboy in there!

In Montgomery County, Lower Merion has approved transgender/gender expansive policies. Springfield Township, Cheltenham, and Upper Dublin  School Districts, also in Montgomery County have passed transgender policies, as well as Great Valley in Chester County.    The districts considering such policy changes are Pottsgrove School District (Montgomery County), Pittsburgh (to be voted on in June) and Pine Richland School Districts – both in Allegheny County.

Action Steps

1.) Contact your school district. Follow this link to a list of all the PA school districts which has their phone numbers as well as links to the district’s website.  Some school websites are better than others in being able to obtain email contact information.

2.)  Attend your next school board meeting.  Encourage them to a.)  maintain the status quo and do not change policies or b.) pass the Student Privacy Resolution that Liberty Counsel has written – click here for a copy.   Let them know that if they enable sensible and legal gender-appropriate restroom and locker room policies consistent with Liberty Counsel’s advice, the attorneys with that organization will offer assistance in defending the school district if they are sued.

3.)  If you want Liberty Counsel to contact your district directly or your child has been directly impacted by schools already allowing boys in the girls’ bathroom, etc, contact them using their web form here