May 23, 2019
The Feds Have the “Equality Act” and PA has the “Fairness Act”
As you know on May 17th the Democrats in the US House passed HR 5- the so-called Equality Act. All Democrats and eight Republicans voted for the bill. It would amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act by striking the word “sex,” and inserting “sex, sexual orientation and gender identity” as protected classes throughout the federal code. This change would place “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” in the same protected classes as “race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.”
Here in PA the “Fairness Act” – HB 1404 – was introduced and referred to the House State Government Committee on May 6th. This bill would add ‘sexual orientation and gender identity or expression” to the PA Human Relations Act impacting employment, housing and public accommodations.”
The bill promises “economic growth and prosperity” if passed. But, what it would do is open women’s bathrooms to men, force health clubs to open women’s locker and shower rooms to men, employers with four or more employees must allow employees to “adhere to the dress or grooming standards that are consistent with the employee’s gender identity or expression.” The term “employer” includes religious employers!
The PA Human Relations Commission would work with the PA Department of Education to “recommend a multicultural educational program . . . to promote cultural understanding and appreciation and to further good will among all persons without regard to . . . sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.”
Nothing in the bill protects the religious right of conscience of Christian business owners or doctors who do not want to play into this agenda. This means Christian business owners would be forced to provide cakes, flowers, photography, etc. for so-called same-sex weddings. Christian doctors would be forced to engage in the removal or mutilation of healthy body parts in order for a child or adult to “become their true self” by transitioning to the opposite gender.
Action Steps
Call House State Government Committee chairman Garth Everett and express your concerns about the bill — opening women’s bathrooms to men, forcing churches to hire homosexuals and transgenders, forcing employers to allow gender confused men to dress as women in the workplace and forcing Christian business owners to take part in same-sex “weddings’ are some concerns you can mention. His district office number is (570) 546-2084
Sign the petition opposing men in women’s bathrooms.