November 15, 2013


Update on IRRC Testimony Request


Those supporting Common Core — in PA called Pennsylvania Core Standards – a simple name change offered by the PA Department of Education to appease those of us who say it’s a national curriculum, which all the evidence points to — is mounting an all out offensive by Chambers of Commerce and local school boards from across the state.  They want this ‘monster’ in our schools!!  Thus far the supporters of the Pennsylvania Core Standards are outnumbering the opponents in submittals to the Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC).  We need those who oppose this total remaking of our education system to send their concerns to the IRRC.    Click here to read comments that have already been submitted.  The IRRC is especially concerned about the cost of implementation (unknown at this time since no studies have been done), the fiscal consequences of implementation and the impact all these changes will have on Pennsylvania students.  Check yesterday’s alert for talking points and links to stories about negative impacts.

Action Steps

Don’t forget in your emailed testimony to reference IRRC No. 2976Send concerns directly to the Executive Director of IRRC, David Sumner.  His email is    The deadline is 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, November 19th.   All comments and testimonies will be posted on the IRRC website.