News Release
For Immediate Release:  August 10, 2018
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078

Parents Win as East Penn School District Releases URLs

(Allentown) –  East Penn School District has released the URLs that parents have been requesting since May.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) became involved after meeting with concerned parents in the district.  It was appalling that the district required the parents to jump through numerous hoops and even after all that still refusing to allow parents access to material to which their children in Emmaus High School were exposed, stating it was protected information because it was a student project.

“The URLs, which parents and the AFA of PA had been told were all about anti-bullying, proved to be quite the opposite.  They were very much promoting homosexuality and trangenderism to a captive audience of school children.   Additionally, the released emails showed much collusion between administrators and faculty in the showing of these videos during homeroom the last week of April leading up to the Gay Day of Silence.  It would be a stretch to describe this as a totally student-led activity,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA, who attended the June 11th and 25th school board meetings.  

The AFA of PA contacted Liberty Counsel about this issue and are very grateful for their expert help in protecting parental rights in Pennsylvania.

The videos released in the records request are:

1 – Buzzfeed’s “9 Questions Gay People Have About Straight People.”

2 – A CBS News story clip “Non-binary: The gender beyond he or she” promoting       “gender fluidity.”

3 – “Bill Nye on Sexuality and Gender Spectrum”

4 – YouTube spotlight “Show your pride. Share your love.” #ProudToLove”

“It is extremely important that parents step up to defend and protect their children.  The parents who took a stand in East Penn School District were called names and portrayed as bullies, but they knew the importance of standing to protect their children and their rights as parents.  We need more parents in Pennsylvania who become involved,” concluded Gramley.

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