Author: admin

News Release – Do Black Lives Really Matter to Governor Wolf?

Last Week Governor Tom Wolf led marchers through the streets of PA’s state capital holding a sign that read “Black Lives Matter.” The peaceful march was in response to the horrific death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officers. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide advocacy group, questions Governor Wolf’s sincerity in holding that sign.

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Podcast- Dr. King’s Dream Derailed; Guest: Rev. Bill Owens

America is in chaos. Since the horrific killing of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officers, protestors have taken to the streets demanding justice. Unfortunately, in too many cities these peaceful protests have been co-opted by those with violence and destruction as their goal. In too many cities mayors have not fulfilled their duty to protect their citizens and have allowed the looters and destroyers to take control of the streets, killing and burning. Police are being targeted.

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Action Alert – Voter Suppression and Voting Insecurity in Allegheny County

Voter integrity is key in any election and much depends upon this primary election. Several steps have been taken in Allegheny County which raises many questions about the very real possibility of voter fraud and even voter suppression. Please read this in-depth analysis by former Allegheny County Councilwoman Sue Means and take the steps she recommends.

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Podcast – COVID-19, Baby DNA and HIPPA; Guest: Twila Brase

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be the top story around the world and as state governors begin, at least considering, some sort of reopening strategy most Americans have a lot of questions. The foremost for me is how did we get here and what could the successful government mandate that the healthy quarantine mean if/when a future pandemic rears its head. Today we are going to take a look at HIPPA and the way the government uses your data, the storage and use of baby DNA and the contact tracing being encouraged to battle COVID-19.

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