Author: admin

Action Alert – Dangers of HR 6666

HR 6666 has been introduced. It would give grants to organizations to conduct testing (even in homes) and contact tracing. States would pass laws to “deal” with those who have been found with COVID-19. If their home setting isn’t conducive to quarantine, the government would remove them “for their own good” and find a “safe place” for them to quarantine! Ask your US Representative and US Senators to oppose this bill.

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News Release – Governor Wolf Condemned for Threatening Counties That Want to Reopen

Pennsylvanians are getting restless. Governor Wolf’s color-coded plan to reopen is being fully recognized as a power grab — a means to control healthy Pennsylvanians; a means to control businesses; a means to control entire counties. Now he has threatened counties which want to reopen without his okay. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide advocacy group, condemns Governor Wolf’s threats to counties that simply want to allow their citizens to reopen businesses and go back to work, if they so choose.

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Action Alert – Petition Calling for the Resignation of PA Secretary of Health Dr. Levine

As Pennsylvania moves to safely reopen the economy, one person is playing a pivotal role in hindering that — Dr. “Rachel” Levine. Upon his advice of including nursing home deaths in the county’s total death count, Governor Wolf is preventing counties from moving from “red” to “yellow.” Nursing home deaths account for about 65% of all PA COVID-19 deaths, yet Levine had taken no measured steps to protect this vulnerable population. Coroners are being left out of the picture, as Levine manipulates the numbers. It is time for Levine to resign, so Pennsylvania can move forward!

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Podcast – Contact tracing; ties between Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates; HR 6666; Guest: Mat Staver

It all began here in Pennsylvania with the first case of COVID-19 on March 1st. It’s been one crazy directive or executive order after another from Governor Tom Wolf and his transgender Secretary of Health Dr. “Rachel” Levine. We’ve seen dubious advice given to President Trump, attacks on a proven drug to deal with COVID-19, millions of Americans forced out of work by government-ordered business closures, the threats of mandatory vaccines and contact tracing as well as attacks on religious liberty. Other than those issues 2020 has been a pretty normal year!

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