Author: admin

Podcast – Ideologically Grooming Kids; Guest: Laurie Higgins

Our kids are being targeted on many different sides — books in libraries, curriculum in schools, Drag Queen Story Hours, television programming, human traffickers lurking online and much more. Can parents be prepared to protect their children? They can’t trust the titles of books or the publishing companies — many of which could be previously trusted. Are there steps parents can take to protect their children?

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Action Alert – Targeting Our Kids While They Are Home From School

Millions of US children are home from school because of stay-at-home orders due to the coronavirus. Predators know this and will be searching for kids who are innocently online doing their schoolwork. Planned Parenthood, SEICUS, Advocates for Youth and others are pushing their sex-ed curriculum online. Parents need to be especially vigilant in protecting their children during these trying times.

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