Author: admin

Action Alert – Democrats Want to Send a Mail-in Ballot to All Voters!

A certain politician once said to never let a good crisis go to waste. We see that happening right before our eyes! Governor Wolf has shut the state down, millions are out of work, and certain legislators are taking steps to make voter fraud abound in PA’s primary and general elections. Bills have been introduced that would appropriate money to send mail-in ballot applications to every registered voter in PA whether they request it or not!

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Podcast – Should a Church File for 501(c)(3) status? Guest: Dr. Scott Lively

During the War for Independence the British feared the Black-robed Regiment. They knew the pastors and the church held an important role in the fight. Today, by and large, the church is viewed as irrelevant and if a church leader does voice a Biblical opinion he is called a bigot and hater. How has this happened in the United States of America, a Christian built upon a Christian foundation? Is there any hope for America, if the church doesn’t retake its proper role in society?

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Action Alert – Planned Parenthood Asking for PPEs

Not only are abortion clinics in PA still open and doing abortions, but they are asking for donations of PPEs (Personal Protection Equipment)! During this coronavirus outbreak hospitals and medical personnel are on the front lines fighting this invader and they should be the ones getting the hand sanitizer, masks and surgical caps, NOT Planned Parenthood.

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Action Alert – Advice for Parents to Protect Your Children During This Time

During this coronavirus crisis, most students across PA are doing their schoolwork at home. Many schools provide students with Chromebooks for their homework. Many have signed contracts with the online databases EBSCO and GALE. When students use these databases, it takes them beyond the protection of the school’s filters and gives them access to pornography. There are those who will be preying upon children who will be on the internet more than ever during this time of crisis.

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