Author: admin

Action Alert – Democrats Demand More Pork for Their Pet Projects or No Coronavirus Relief

The Democrats are seeking to use the coronavirus relief bill as a vehicle to push their far-left pet projects on America. From diversity ratios, a federal $15 minimum wage to money for Planned Parenthood. It’s all in Nancy Pelosi’s 1400-page bill!! The Democrats are holding Americans and the American economy impacted by the coronavirus hostage. This is disgraceful!

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Action Alert – Governor Wolf Closes Many Things, But PA Legislature Moves Forward!

The coronavirus has taken the world by storm and it’s now here! President Trump has been working diligently to address the situation, working with experts in the field of infectious disease, as well as creating a public-private partnership to help in providing testing and seeking a vaccine to counter the virus. Much has changed in the US, in PA, in the last few days, and we find ourselves in a crisis we never thought would happen. BUT, we who are believers in Christ, know Who is still in control even through these uncertain times.

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Action Alert – National Day of Prayer

National Days of Prayer have been called throughout our nation’s history. Just hours after President Trump’s Rose Garden press conference this afternoon, he sent out a tweet declaring March 15th a National Day of Prayer amidst the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting hysteria here in the US.

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Podcast – Senator Chuck Schumer’s attack on Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh – Guest: Phillip Jauregui

There is no doubt that in recent years the Left has used the courts extensively to advance their agenda. If they couldn’t do something legislatively, they would do some judge shopping and find a friendly judge who agreed with them and thus push the country further to the Left. During the past three years, we’ve seen the courts used to block President Trump’s efforts in stopping illegal immigration, defunding Planned Parenthood, keeping transgenders out of the military and so many other efforts have been hindered by activist judges. And there can be no doubt that the Left hates — and I don’t believe I exaggerate in that description — the two US Supreme Court Justices that President Trump has seated on the bench.

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