Author: admin

Podcast – Drag Queen Story Hours Desensitizing Children; Guest: Linda Harvey

From the Drag Queen Story Hour website: “Drag Story Time are children’s events first started in 2015 by author and activist Michelle Tea in San Francisco (we also can throw in here that she’s a tarot card reader!) The stated goals are to “inspire a love of reading, while teaching deeper lessons on diversity, self-love and an appreciation of others.” The events, usually geared for children aged 3–11, are hosted by drag queens who read children’s books, and engage in other learning activities in public libraries. We’re going to look at the cancelled and now recently rescheduled Drag Queen Story Hour in Columbus. What’s the real purpose of Drag Queen Story Hours and does it play a role in sex ed that is now being taught in so many K-12 public schools.

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Action Alert – Ask Senators Casey and Toomey to Sign Onto Censure Resolution

Senator Chuck Schumer of New York let his contempt for the newest members of the US Supreme Court show through on Wednesday as he called Justices Neal Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh out by name saying they “will pay the price” if they decided wrongly in the Louisiana abortion case. In reality, the case is about requiring doctors have visiting privileges within thirty miles of the abortion clinic and not directly about abortion!

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Podcast – Who Was Harvey Milk? Why Would the Navy Name a Ship After Him? Guest: Peter LaBarbera

On July 14, 2016 then Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus signed a notification indicating he intended to name a planned Military Sealift Command fleet oiler USNS Harvey Milk. In a statement given to the US Naval Institute, Mabus said the ship “will, for decades to come, serve as a visible legacy of Harvey Milk’s committed service to his nation, both as a sailor and as an activist.” So, this Harvey Milk guy must be a great hero. But just who is Harvey Milk?

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