Author: admin

Action Alert – Sign the Petition Opposing Men In Women’s Bathrooms

The big push has begun to get a LGBT special rights bill passed in Harrisburg. Such a law would impact employment, housing and public accommodations forcing all employers with four or more employees to hire homosexuals and transgenders. These employers would be required to allow men who believe they are women to come to work in a dress and high heels. Public bathroom doors across the commonwealth would be thrown open to whomever. Sign our petition opposing this dangerous bill.

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Podcast- What Has Happened to Virginia Since the November 2019 Elections? Guest: Robert Marshall

So, the Democrat candidates for President are promising all sorts of things like taking our guns, pushing even more extreme abortion laws, allowing transgenders in the military, placing sexual orientation and gender identity or expression in the 1964 Civil Rights Act by passage of the Equality Act but surely they aren’t serious!! They can’t believe the country is ready for all that, well, if the actions of the Democrats in Virginia are any indication of where Democrat candidates and now legislators actually stand — America had better wake up!

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Action Alert – Thank This Brave Virginia Pastor

One brave Virginia pastor has dared to speak the truth during his opening prayer of the House of Delegates legislative session. A certain political party did not appreciate his words; one of the members of that party called them “disrespectful to all of us in this House.” Thank Pastor Grant for having the courage to speak the truth.

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News Release – Allegheny Council Votes to Trap Children

Governments should be in the business of protecting its citizens – especially children–, but in the case of the Allegheny County Council they have done the exact opposite. By a vote of 13-2 the Democrat-controlled county council approved a ban that will cause minors with unwanted feelings or confusion to remain with those feelings and confusion. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide children’s advocacy group, believes parents should have the right and children should have the opportunity to seek the help they need from a competent mental health provider. This new ordinance prevents both! In essence all licensed therapists are banned from helping these children address the underlying issues causing their distress.

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