Author: admin

Action Alert – The Democrats Are Trying to Resurrect the Long Dead ERA

It was declared dead in 1982 and, even more recently, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a support of the ERA, said the process had to start over. But, that has not stopped the radical Left who want to ram this constitutional amendment through by eliminating the deadline and forgetting the fact that five of the original ratifying states have rescinded their ratification. In new math 33 may equal 38, but not in the real world. Remind your US Congressman that the ERA is dead and it cannot be revived by a simple majority vote.

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Podcast – Vulgar Super Bowl Halftime Show; Guest: Steve McConkey

Millions of Americans tune into the Super Bowl each year — 2020 was no exception. Unfortunately, it is consistently marred by the half-time show which gets more provocative as the years go by. This year featured a striptease and pole dancing show — totally inappropriate for kids. What is wrong with the NFL — remember it did not push back when Colin Kapernick first took the knee during the National Anthem, unfortunately too many followed his disrespect for our nation. Now this striptease act!

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Action Alert – State Senator Tries to Get LGBTQ+ Resolution Passed

An effort to pass a pro-LGBTQ resolution in the State Senate by unanimous consent has failed. It has now been placed in committee and awaits a vote in the Rules and Executive Nominations Committee. This resolution would place the State Senate’s stamp of approval upon a dangerous lifestyle. No one is born ‘gay’ or ‘transgender’ and the youth of PA do not need to be encouraged to participate in these dangerous lifestyles.

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