Author: admin

Action Alert – Effort to Pass Bill Allowing Men in Women’s Restrooms Has Started

The radicals are at it again — trying to force open the bathroom, locker and shower room doors to whomever. They want to allow biological men to use women’s facilities across the state. They want to force businesses, including daycares, churches and religious schools which have four or more employees to hire homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders. These radical bills are in both the State House and State Senate.

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Podcast – God’s Voice Conference; Guest: Stephen Black

The Revoice Conference first came on the scene in 2018 and was held in St Louis that year. It is a conference that stands for the idea that a person can faithfully affirm both Christian identity and a homosexual identity. Anyone that takes Scripture seriously knows that is impossible. Unfortunately, many in America’s churches are confused and have bought into the lies of LGBTQ activists that God made some people gay and as long as they remained celebete they could identify as a “gay Christian.” Last year the effort began to seriously pushback on that concept with the first God’s Voice conference. In April the second one will be held.

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Action Alert – Tell Sesame Street Not to Invite “Transgender Male” on the Program

One must ask whether Sesame Street is still child-friendly or has it been taken over by radicals who are pushing the LGBTQ agenda. Just what are they teaching kids besides letters and numbers. Teaching them to be kind to others should not include promoting a dangerous lifestyle choice. Has Sesame Street now become another LGBTQ advocacy program like so many others?

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