Author: admin

Action Alert – President Trump Made History Today

Tens of thousands attended the March for Life in Washington, DC today. President Trump was one of them! By attending the march, he made history. He is the first sitting President to attend and speak at the march. His words and actions all show his pro-life views. Thank him for his attendance at the march, the words he spoke and for his pro-life efforts in office.

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Podcast – LGBTQ Curriculum in Schools; Guest: Greg Quinlan

Earlier this year New Jersey joined California in requiring LGBTQ inclusive curriculum in schools. The bill was signed into law on January 1, 2019 and will go into effect statewide in all public schools for the 2020-2021 school year. Every middle and high school in the state will begin integrating these topics into classrooms, and Garden State Equality will be offering every district across New Jersey its curriculum at no cost. In the meantime, 12 public schools are taking part in a LGBTQ-inclusive pilot program.

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Action Alert – President Trump: Navy is Making Big Mistake

On Friday December 13th, 2019 General Dynamics NASSCO in San Diego began construction of the USNS Harvey Milk. He was the first open homosexual to be elected to public office in the US. Milk was an LGBTQ activist, a self-identified pedophile who targeted young teen boys. One such boy was Jack McKinley, a 16 year-old runaway from New York City. Milk moved him to San Francisco to live with him as a lover. However, when Jack matured beyond Milk’s taste for young boys, Milk dropped him. McKinley was greatly disturbed and frequently suicidal. When told of his former lover’s suicide threats, Milk’s hardhearted response was, “Tell him not to make a mess.” McKinley died in a fall from the eighth floor of a building in an apparent suicide. Now the Navy is naming a new ship after Harvey Milk! Let the President know just who Harvey Milk was!

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Blog Post – What Would Dr. Martin Luther King Think Today?

Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream was an America that judged blacks by the content of their character, not their skin color. For that to happen, we need economic equality among blacks and whites. Yet economic equity will only happen when the government gets out of the way and allows blacks to rise according to their own God-given talents.

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