Author: admin

Podcast – Transgender Will Again be in 2020 Olympics; Guest: Steve McConkey

We’re hearing a lot about boys who identify as girls competing and beating girls in high school sports, sometimes beating them out of the chance for a college scholarship. This transgender phenomenon is taking over the sports world and the media and LGBTQ activists all say it’s perfectly normal – we just need to allow these individuals to be who they really are and allow them to compete on the teams of the gender they identify as. But it’s not just high school or college sports and it’s not really a new phenomenon!

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Action Alert – Lack of Federal Law Enforcement Against Obscenity Must Stop

The US has seen a drastic increase in sex trafficking and child porn since the federal obscenity laws have stopped being enforced. This proliferation of illegal obscenity has negatively impacted individuals, families and entire communities. In essence, it is a public health crisis and fifteen states have officially declared pornography as such. Attorney General William Barr needs to make the enforcement of the federal obscenity laws a top priority.

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Podcast- How Have Children’s Books Changed; Guest: Deborah DeGroff

The books children read – have they changed? Are we expecting as much out of children’s literature today as we did in the late 1800’s or early 1900’s? Can children read as well now as then? If not, why? Is it the lack of funds as so many education advocates claim or is it something else – something deeper, more insidious? No one can deny there’s too many references to body functions, too much vulgarity, and sexual scenarios included in children and young literature. Today we’re going to look into how children’s literature has changed.

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