Author: admin

Action Alert – Down Syndrome Bill in State Senate

The Down Syndrome Protection Act, HB 321, was passed in the State House in May and sent to the Senate Health and Human Services Committee where it remains. This legislation would make it illegal for an abortion to be performed simply because of the pre-natal diagnosis of Down Syndrome. The bill needs to move forward in the Senate for a vote.

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Action Alert – Effort to Censure Adam Schiff

US Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) has disgraced his position as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and “these actions of Chairman Schiff misled the American people, bring disrepute upon the House of Representatives, and make a mockery of the impeachment process, one of this chamber’s most solemn constitutional duties.” US Representative Andy Biggs of Arizona has introduced a resolution calling for the censure of Adam Schiff.

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Podcast – Judicial Activism; Guest: Phillip Jauregui

The Left has not been happy since Donald Trump was elected in November 2016. They are still in shock and disbelief, but they are also in continual attack mode attempting to force him out of office, or at a minimum derail his agenda. Judges have been one of President Trump’s biggest obstacles as he has attempted to Make American Great Again and bring some sanity into areas that have become totally insane — such the illegal alien invasion.

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Blog Post – Maligning Christopher Columbus

More than half of college students support the idea of changing the name Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples’ Day. In fact, some cities and states (South Dakota, Alaska, Minnesota, New Mexico and Vermont) have already opted to change the name. It seems they may envision a land without wars, struggles or strive existed before Columbus landed in the New World. Everyone lived together cooperatively and never disagreed or fought – these name changers believe! Nothing could be further from the truth!

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