Author: admin

Action Alert – Delaware County Drag Queen Story Hour

Drag Queen Story Hour at the Haverford Township Free Library again brings a drag queen into direct contact with children. A library that once again has not obtained a background check prior to the drag queen program. However, Haverford Library has gone beyond the 1 ½ hour Drag Queen Story Hour to an entire Pride Day, including information tables from LGBTQ organizations like PFLAG (Parents and Families of Lesbians and Gays).

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Podcast: History and Danger of “Gay Pride” Month; Guest: Peter LaBarbera

Gay Pride Month — how’d this all start? According to the Erie Times News, “June is officially known as Pride Month, honoring LGBTQ+ equality and acceptance around the world. “ That seems like a stretch, but what is it really and how did we get where we are with gay pride parades and festivals in most, if not all, major cities around the world? And all this with corporate sponsorship?

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Action Alert – Ask Your State Rep to Co-sponsor This Resolution

State Representative Brian Sims verbally assaulted pro-lifers in front of a Philly abortion clinic in April. There can be no doubt he did this as he videotaped the incidents and proudly posted them on social media. He infringed on the First Amendment rights of these individuals, as well as threatened to “dox” minors. Additionally, he used his elected position as a means to intimidate the pro-life witnesses as he made sure they knew he was a member of the State House. Sims has never apologized to those women and girls he attacked in his videos. Representative Jerry Knowles has introduced a resolution to censure Sims.

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