Author: admin

Action Alert – Deadline to Register to Vote is Approaching

If you want to vote on May 21st, you must be registered to vote by April 22nd. Concerned citizens should vote in every election. This may seem like an ‘off year’ for some because there are no federal races. However, decisions by local elected officials (even school boards) can have an immediate impact on you and your families’ lives. Register and vote on May 21st! Hundreds of thousands of people around the world would love to have the opportunity to vote for their leaders. Have Americans become too complacent when it comes to choosing our leaders?

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Action Alert -PSSA Testing Begins This Week

It’s PSSA testing time in Pennsylvania again! For the next few weeks hours of testing are ahead for every PA student in grades 3-8. The purpose – well, it’s not to see if your child is going well in school compared to other students his or her age. These are assessment tests, not achievement tests which would make that comparison. More and more Pennsylvania parents are taking advantage of the law and opting their child out of these tests.

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Should the US Department of Education have the authority to change Title IX without congressional action?

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