Author: admin

Podcast – Update on Islamic Bid for Lawrence County Property – Guest: Pastor Bruce Leonatti

In the spring of 2017, under Gov. Wolf, the PA Dept. of General Services decided to sell the Youth Development Center property of 145 acres, valued at $3,00,000 dollars: having 13 buildings, including a gym, infirmary, dormitory, cafeteria, underground tunnels connecting the buildings surrounded by a 12 foot lighted barbed wire fence, located in Shenango Township near New Castle, PA. To the shock of the community, it was announced in June of that year that a $400,000 bid for the sale was awarded to an Islamic consulting firm.

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Action Alert – Special Election for Senate District 37

Another special election will be held on April 2nd. Due to the election of State Senator Guy Reschenthaler to the 14th Congressional District, his Senate seat has remained open. Registered voters will now have an opportunity to again get representation in the State Senate on April 2nd by getting out and voting! Check out the side-by-side comparison between the two candidates.

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