News Release
For Immediate Release: February 4, 2011
Contact: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
Who Murdered Ugandan Homosexual Activist David Kato?
(Harrisburg) – On January 26 David Kato, a leading Ugandan homosexual activist, was beaten to death with a hammer. Immediately following this crime, mainstream media began blaming pro-family evangelicals for the murder. This has become an increasingly standard tactic of homosexual activists and their allies in the media – if there’s any bullying or attacks on those who identify as homosexual, blame those who believe engaging in homosexual acts are dangerous and sinful. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, has also been accused of hate speech, bullying and of contributing to the deaths of students who identify as homosexual.
“Homosexual activists use these tactics in attempts to intimidate those who don’t agree with them in order to silence them. The situation in Uganda is the most recent example . . . attack Scott Lively and the other evangelicals who were invited to address a conference in Uganda and accuse them of being accomplices to murder. No evidence, just throw out that charge one day after the crime. Or accuse the AFA of PA, as Jason Goodman did after the ordinance passed in Lower Merion, of sending hate-filled faxes and e-mails to commissioners in townships and boroughs who are being ‘encouraged’ to pass homosexual special rights ordinances. These individuals refuse to address the real issues and throw out accusations instead,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.
Click here to watch the video of a Mainline Times interview with Goodman immediately after the vote.
Uganda has addressed their AIDS problem through abstinence education and has almost eradicated the epidemic, unlike other African nations which are accepting the free condoms airdropped by foreign governments and the UN where AIDS still ravages the countryside. President Museveni and his wife saw the problem for what it is — promiscuity and sex outside of marriage — and have acted upon those convictions with commonsense remedies. They know that embracing and celebrating homosexual conduct will not help Uganda. But to homosexual activists, encouraging marriage between a man and a women is hateful, narrow and bigoted.
“Within the last couple days the murderer of David Kato has been caught. The killer confessed that he killed Kato for failing to pay him for two days of male prostitution. Will CNN, the New York Times, the Boston Globe and all the other media outlets that immediately jumped to conclusions and falsely accused of murder those holding traditional believes on sexuality both in Uganda and the US make this a top story or will it be hidden on the last page of the newspaper, given the last 30 seconds of a news program or just completely ignored?” questioned Gramley.
Click here to read more history on Uganda and why they are fighting so hard against the homosexualization of their nation.
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