News ReleaseLancaster Bible College
For Immediate Release:  September 1, 2016
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Lancaster Bible College Commended for Maintaining Biblical Values on Sexuality

(Harrisburg) —  At first homosexuals asked to be left alone to live their lives.  They continued demanding  more and more, until finally they demanded “marriage equality.”  Last year the US Supreme Court handed them that demand and still they want more — to force all to accept and celebrate their lifestyle choice.  Evidence of this is in the attacks on churches, colleges and organizations which adhere to the Biblical definition of sexuality and marriage.  The latest example is the listing of Lancaster Bible College on Campus Pride’s ‘Shame List.’   The college is listed simply because they believe God made only male and female and marriage should be between one man and one woman.   The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) has contacted Lancaster Bible College president Dr. Peter Teague and thanked him for his leadership as they seek to adhere to Biblical truth.

” This whole thing began when President Obama’s Department of Education illegally redefined the word ‘sex’ in Title IX to include transgenders.  Title IX allows Christian schools which receive government funds to apply for a waiver when adhering to government policies would go against their religious teachings.   Homosexual activists don’t like that the law allows Christian schools to seek a waiver, as their goal is to force all to celebrate their chosen lifestyle,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Shane Windmeyer, Executive Director of Campus Pride, has declared the actions of Lancaster Bible College and the other Christian colleges on their list  as “religious-based bigotry.”  It is apparent that Mr. Windmeyer’s goal is to intimidate these schools by listing their names on the “Shame List” and by accusing them of bigotry.  It is also apparent that he, as well as other homosexual activists, equate homosexual behavior (a changeable characteristic) with unchangeable characteristics such as race and ethnicity.   A recent special report entitled “Sexuality and Gender – Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences” confirms that there is no scientific evidence that anyone is born homosexual or transgender.

“To allow anyone to live out the lie that he or she is born homosexual or transgender is not compassion, but the furtherance of an agenda driven by the desired goal of  forced acceptance on all.   To say, as Lancaster Bible College’s Statement of Faith does,  that God only created male and female and that marriage is only between one man and one woman is not bigotry, but facts – both biologically and historically.  Homosexual/transgender activists don’t like what the Bible says and are trying to eliminate those colleges and universities that adhere to the truth of Scripture.  No one is forced to attend any particular college, if they do not like Lancaster Bible College’s views, they can apply elsewhere,” Gramley concluded.

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