Search Results for: transgender + Philadelphia

Blog Post – Municipalities and the Bathroom

Apparently, some city and borough councils and township supervisors within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania do not understand the ramifications of adding ‘sexual orientation and gender identity or expression’ to their anti-discrimination ordinances. They’re being led to believe, by the proponents of this change, that it is all about stopping discrimination and will bring economic boom to their community.

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Blog Post – George Washington is Rolling Over in His Grave

The event is to take place in Washington Square Park. Just what is this park? It is where thousands of unknown Continental Army soldiers are buried in unmarked graves. These soldiers from George Washington’s army died from wounds and sickness during the War for Independence. The memorial itself bears a quote from President Washington’s 1794 Farewell Address, “The independence and liberty you possess are the work of joint councils and joint efforts – of common dangers, sufferings and success.” An “Eternal Flame” is lit in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Revolutionary War Soldier.

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Blog Post – Four Troubling Stories from 2016 – Part I

There are more troubling stories from 2016 and even as I sat down to write this with the intention of only including two I quickly remembered a couple others. If I sat even longer I could easily think of others, but we’ll stop at four!

As we enter 2017, Americans must ask themselves these questions:

a.) Why is corporate America taking the wrong side in the culture war and how corporations can weld enough power to force states into submission in order to further their leftist views.

b.) When the congressional record is clear as to the original intent of a law, how can the Department of Justice and Department of Education completely reinterpret the law and threaten schools with withholding federal funds if they don’t adhere to this new interpretation? Since when was a “sex assigned at birth”?

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News Release – Judge Reiterates His is a Nationwide Injunction

Yesterday U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor of Texas reiterated the temporary injunction he placed against the Obama administration’s dangerous transgender directive applies nationwide. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) applauds the judge’s clarification as some schools are still confused about the issue. The AFA of PA will continue in its efforts to educate all 500 school districts across Pennsylvania.

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