Search Results for: transgender + Philadelphia

Action Alert: Homosexual Activists’ Next Target-Abington

Another municipality in southeastern Pennsylvania is considering a homosexual special rights ordinance. Why is this a special rights ordinance? What other law is passed simply based upon the sexual activity in which you engage or who you THINK you are? This has nothing to do with civil rights since such laws historically have been extended to groups which show immutable (unchangeable) characteristics, political powerlessness, and have experienced a long history of discrimination.

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News Release: Haverford Township Makes Mistake

In Haverford Township the so-called anti-discrimination ordinance was taken off the table and reconsidered Monday night. By a vote of 5-3 with one abstention it will advance to the next step. Questions still remain unanswered. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group, asked questions in an e-mail sent to each commissioner on November 8th and again on January 10th before the meeting.

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News Release: Lower Merion Votes to Give Special Protections

Tonight by a vote of 11-0 Lower Merion Township turned a deaf ear to ignore the warnings and the concerns voiced by constituents and chose instead to give special protections to homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders. Again, this afternoon the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide family values group, contacted each commissioner and gave them additional information concerning the ramification of such passage.

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